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  • Aye, I ressurected an RPG I once created in Dawn Treader Thread. This worlds define us don't they? We are Ringers, Ardians, Jedi, Narnians, and etc. XD
    Aye, however rumors hath spred throughout the land that the Lord of the Dark is soon to return! (I'm referancing my RPG in the Ardaians Group). :)
    Home hospice care, says Benisse. That's what my Mary had, and it made for a much easier departure for her than being in a hospital.
    During my Navy career, for three years beginning in April of 1993, I was stationed at Misawa Airbase at the northern end of Honshu, the largest of the islands which make up Japan. Mary and Annemarie flew out to join me a couple of months after I was assigned. Before the Japanese tour was over, we had had occasion to visit the islands of Okinawa and Guam, though Guam only as a place we passed through. And I did eventually take a stab at cooking a traditional Japanese dish, the stir-fried noodles called yakisoba.
    This is awesomer than you realize! Long ago, before I was even in the Navy, I had a job assisting Indochinese refugees. One time, to promote some kind of event we were holding, I drew a poster--with an Oriental dragon on it!
    Sounds like an awesome Navy dream all right!! But explain for me: by "dragon signs," do you mean like physical signboards to hang by the doors of taverns, with pictures of dragons on them? Or do you mean mystic symbols from some fantasy story ABOUT dragons?
    Hi Vanessa,
    Thank you so much for your willingness to do November. How about this quote from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader?
    "There is a way into my country from all the worlds," said the Lamb; but as he spoke his snowy white flushed into tawny gold and his size changed and he was Aslan himself, towering above them and scattering light from his mane.
    uhhhh....can you put an Aslan picture and ice cream together? (whichever Aslan picture you want,please let it be a vanilla ice cream though ;) )
    That is also another valid factor. I've crushed on actors for a while and when nothing new comes up with them, they just somehow slowly fade from my memory lol. One of my best friends is Canadian and she moved here 10 years ago, she raves about how handsome Canadian guys are.
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