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  • Thanks! Happy New Year to you too! :D I certainly shall stay active! What would I do without all my TDL friends?

    Lol, that happens to me a lot too. :D
    Happy New Year to you too, Vanessa! :D :D :D It's been a good year so far! Hope that yours is as well and that flyers have a great season! :D
    Thank you, good lady! Just for that, I will post the FIRST installment of the NEW Emmett and Queenie story TONIGHT!
    Really you laughed hmmm...

    For me what captures me in a series is oddly the history... I love the feel of delving into a novel yet feeling there is so much more to discover like for example with Jadis their is so much magic and everything about Charn we know little about... It gives such depth and possibilities to the imagination... C.S. Lewis doesn't tell you everything word verbatim but lets you form the series itself and you become an author and can take those novels and implement them into your own life...
    Nice well I can't wait. I'm shure it will be great. ;)
    Thanks. I might start something soon:)
    when do you think you will have the next chapter up?
    Well I really don't know what to write about. Something with narnia or LoTR mabe:)
    No I don't have a story. I'm a really bad writer. But it's been a year since your last update
    Ya . You mixed my two favorite places into one story. It's been about a year since the last update
    Hey. I love your story When Narnia meets Middle-Earth. It's great:)
    hahaha!! Happy New Year to you too. And to Marvin! I hope you guys had a great time. I go to go right now cause I have to go pick up my son from his girlfriend's home!!
    Hi! :) Happy New Year.
    I've seen the Dawn Treader twice by now, and I really liked it. Especially the second time. How about you? :)
    Yes there is a lot of history between Lewis and Tolkein...
    Just finished The Horse and His Boy for the 9th time... and I loved it, it's been a little bit since I've read the series... and they still capture my wonder and amazement... It seems like every time I read a book in the series it becomes my favorite!...
    I'll see if I can get those written tomorrow or the next day. Have you forgotten that I did once write one for Ferny?
    its so putrid! I think Smaug is used to it though... lol :p
    yes, they have been together for a long time. I am impressed, they have stayed together much longer than most people their age :). tisk tisk Nessa! Do not forget! Yah, I can understand that. By the way, how is work and such?
    Hah, ok... Narnia actually was and will always be my first love. LOTR I've actually more come to be introduced to in more recent years. It was actually the movie adaptions that got me into LOTR. So in the past years I've delved into the LOTR video games and music that I now love. And just this last summer I've started with the actual books and I've read The Hobbit so far... Soon, hopefully the others too...
    Lilith was so spunky hahaha! and Ilse was such a doll! There are so many new members since the movie came out :O lol its funny though when some of the new members try to revive the older duffer threads :p makes me laugh because some of them... fail miserably... Some of them are pretty hilarious though
    Gah! our cats keep farting... its hard to breath in hear... :(
    indeed very inviting... We can completely disagree yet still be friends and be united by our common love for Narnia ; )
    Yah, there were some great british kids I was talking to last summer... but doesn't look like they have been on much. I know! I feel like a newbie a lot too... and its always funny when you get on after a long hiatus and a fresh bread welcomes you to the forum :p lol!
    Yah, she is in college... or just graduated. She was a year older than me... but then, she was ?British? so her school system is prolly different than mine... Yah, its always good to see GG. She is dependable. :)
    Thankfully, older members like to show up for Christmas break and their birthdays :p. I got to chat with LOL the other day. It was really nice :)
    We sure did :). Gah! I totally forgot about Mya! she was awesome! tisk tisk! how could I forget Mya? Now i miss her too... lol
    Yes, there are many neat new ones on here also... Unfortunitly, it takes me a long time to get to know them since I am not on as frequently... I just started talking to Missreepicheep and Pitchike12 and some of the "newer" ones this week... lol... And then when I start to love them... they disappear.
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