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  • The main characters are three friends named Sora, Kairi, and Riku. They get separated when Riku opens "The Door to Darkness" in their world. Sora teams up with Donald and Goofy who are looking for King Mickey to try to find all of their friends. They visit worlds from different Disney movies - everything from Hercules to Winnie the Pooh. It sounds rather simple, but the plot gets complicated enough even for me.:p
    That's always been my family's rule, and it's really good motivation to read great books you'll come to love that you would never have read otherwise. xD

    Yes, I love that part!!! :D It was evil and creepy and awesome!!! *dies*
    Awesome!! :D

    Yes, the witch king is great!!! A couple years ago, when my sister was was watching the LotR extended editions at my cousin's house, I came downstairs and saw part of the scene with him and Eowyn before my sister realized I was there and paused the movie. xD

    I was like o_O, and decided to read the books at once so that I would be allowed to see the movies. xD
    Haha, nice. :D

    Sam is my favorite hobbit, because he's so humble and loyal. :) Eowyn is my favorite female. Faramir is my favorite male. Elrond is my favorite elf... I always have trouble coming up with which is my all-time favorite. xD
    I love LotR too. I'm just glad that my sister got obsessed with it, else I might never have read the books. xD Thanks. :D

    Who's your favorite LotR character?
    Well, thank you. I really can't say if my sonnets are getting better. It may be that they are becoming more like conversation.
    I'm currently in transition, Arda shall always be my favorite fantasy realm. I always feel the magic of Tolkien's Legenderium calling me home. :)

    As of present I'm wrapped up in majestic realm of Narnia. :)
    Haha, I feel so old today. I don't remember when I first logged on to this forum, but I -think- I was 17. Time's flying!

    Thanks! =)
    From your latest 5 Things post you sounded upset. Hope your job situation is working out?
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