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  • Don't act innocent ;). You know good and well who the Colts are :p. You must have meant the NHL! Since when were you concerned about that? :D
    There's a new sonnet up. And like Sopespian, I wish God were willing to give more of His children some power to DO something which could actually AFFECT events.
    Sorry to hear things have worsened with Rocco. I wish there were some way I could help. Other than prayer, I mean.
    Well... ik doe Pedagogiek :) Really don't know how to translate it into English... So far I really like it! I also just like going to school again. It's quite boring, spending 8 months at home and the only thing you have to do is work a few hours. I'm glad that I can go to school again, socialising and of cours studying :)
    I had long had a Tolkien fanfic idea stored in my mind; it was only recently that I had the inspiration to PUT Emmett and Queenie IN that story. One complication: by the time they get to the new adventure, they will have two children to look after, Coral Maid from the previous story and the baby Emmett fathered on Queenie. Would you rather that those children came WITH them into Middle-Earth, or that someone watched them for Emmett and Queenie while they were away?
    Vanessa, you get to be the first to know. I decided that, once the "Emmett and Queenie" story now in progress is completed, I will plan ANOTHER story about them. When it's ready to write, I will use the existing thread. And in the new story, Emmett and Queenie will be sent to MIDDLE-EARTH!
    it's like he only cares about a person when he's with them.
    once they're out of his life and he's hurt them. They mean nothing to him.
    and don't even get me started on the girl.
    I was hurt by her too...
    l doubt it would effect him nessa
    he's been beaten up physically by a friend.
    and shouted at by at least four others.
    like cf said...he is sociopathic.. he has no guilty conscious about what he did to me
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