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  • i love the fact that i come right here to tell you to check out m new thread..and i see you are replying.

    nessa i missed you a lot a lot a lot
    Of course I miss you! Without you, nobody eats my cooking. I still haven't figured out why that is... :confused: Anyway, glad to hear you are all hockeyed up for now. ;) Since I just got my driver's license, you will be happy to be an ocean away from any roads on which I might drive.

    I have only one request for you next time you visit:

    ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
    Well, what do you know? It's the vivacious Vanessa! Feel free to spam my page anytime! :p
    Hey Vaness! How are you doing? I'm just checking out the forum for a moment. I'm doing good, just started again with school. For now I really like it, I hope this will continue :)
    Hello! I recently watched a TV show that toured a Dutch dairy farm and showed the process of making cheese, including soaking the cheese wheels in salt water to develop the hard outer surface.
    Praying for guidance and grace with your relationships, especially with a Special Friend... and for a positive work week for you.
    *sniffling* That was very sweet. I will miss you, too. If we can communicate by e-mail, that would be great. I pray that your life will be going the right direction. Go Pens! Teehee...

    Still here? Then I can tell you, I'm grateful to know that I have been one of the good things for you on this forum. Watch out, I still might e-mail you.
    Ooh, cool. I'm not so into hockey... :p Although my brothers are really into hockey and sometimes if I have nothing better to do I'll sit and watch hockey with them. It's awesome that you got to watch them play btw. And there's nothing wrong with being a fangirl every now and then. ;)
    Thank you. :)
    You like hockey? That's weird, I hadn't noticed. :p Btw, I'm back from a strenuous week at camp.
    Yeah! All the teams I expected to do well didn't do so well! :rolleyes: Anyways, I know you like hockey more than soccer. What's your favorite team?
    LOL! Poor, poor octopus. His life is in danger. :p My favorite team from the beginning was Italy and no it's not because they won last time. ;) I just love everything about Italy. <3 Brazil's cool too.
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