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  • *winces* >.<
    *answers in equally load voice*
    That octopus is crazy. Kinda creepy too. :eek: But I don't think people should kill it just because it was right. :p
    i was looking in the Share a Pc! thread,a dn your latest picture is soo pretty. I love your hair, realllly pretty color.
    I know but when other people are mad or sad it makes me sad too...I can't help it. And you sounded really mad/sad yesterday... But thanks for clarifying. And I'm sorry about the people who did say that about the Netherlands. Like I said yesterday, they're obviously a good team if they made it to the finals. Also, I thought their goalie was awesome. He did an amazing job. I'm proud of your country for making it so far.
    Sorry about Netherlands losing. That's two straight championships lost by your teams! :eek: I don't think you could like soccer any less than I do. ;) I guess there's not much to do except wait for football, er, hockey season to start. :D
    Sorry if it's offensive. I thought it was funny. I didn't mean anything by it. I'll take it off if it offends you...
    Yeah, I just like to be careful, although I'm pretty sure most people on here aren't stalkers, haha :D That sounds amazing... You have a porcelain Frodo doll? Wow, I didn't know such a thing existed. I'm going to have to try and find one. :)

    I would love to actually live in a hobbit hole someday. :D But that would probably cost alot of money to have someone build you a house into a hill.
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