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  • Nice to meet you Nessa :) And thank you, I like your name too! Julie isn't actually my real name, it's just the name I use everywhere online. All my online friends call me that, and I've been using it for so long, that it's kinda like a second name to me :)

    That's SO awesome, I would love to have my whole house decorated LOTR, but I still live with my parents right now (I'm only 17) so I can't quite yet... haha :rolleyes: So what does your house look like? Just like, posters and stuff or elven, or hobbitish, or what? :)
    Oh wow, that's awesome! :) Yes, I absolutely love LOTR. They're my favorite books, movies, everything. :D I'm decorating my room LOTR themed. My name's Julie by the way. :)
    thats great! :D does frodo still get to ride in your bike basket? ;)
    lol! my hobbit boy and i are taking folk dancing in the fall :O like at 8 in the morning too :p... ya know... but im excited. i try to have "fun" when excercising *shifty eyes* haha
    so how is your day today, dear one? is it still frightfully hot?
    YEAH!!! :D :D thats great! you are getting so much good excercise! (though... im not jealous :p... i mean... )
    teehee :D
    i have play practice soon. all i do is dance... so i am also getting alot of excercise too :O
    thanks! ive missed you too :)
    i havent done any graphics in years :( i've been sosososo busy lately, but who knows ;)
    i see you're still graphicing, im so glad :)
    Don't let it bother you when people criticize your writing style. It looks fine to me. And everyone knows that I am the expert. :D
    ello, lov. :)
    im doing pretty good. just got back from one of my friend's weddings and have been doing science all day.
    how are you dearie? whats been up? whats on your mind? *hugses*
    One can get lost in Arda, you find yourself at home, amongst friends, ready to take on any trials or perils. THe current of are world fades away and then you see it, white shores and a swif sunrise. There is no place like Arda, no world that could be called It's equal. I call it my home, my abode, a place where I am understood and content. Only other Ardaians understand me when I say things like that. Arda is my home, Narnia a vacation destination. :)
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