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  • Jack and John shall always be together, I imagine they are in heaven now, devising new stories. In fact I was talking to -Aravis- and I said "I bet Tolkien's working on Dagor Dagorath." :D
    Well said Nessa, I agree completely. Afterall if it weren't for Peter Jackson, I wouldn't be a Ardaian, I wouldn't have fallen in love with Tolkien's Legenderium and I wouldn't have made such a splendid friend as thou. :)
    Yeah, salary caps are an unnecessary evil. In regards to your last comment, that reminded me of a PEANUTS cartoon from around January 6.

    VIOLET: Can you believe there's only 354 days till Christmas comes again?
    PATTY: Don't I know it? And right after that comes New Year's.
    VIOLET: It amazes me how the time flies.

    MOS: He's not exactly the sharpest spoon in the shed.

    Arwen: I think you mean tool.

    MOS: No I meant spoon, most tools are sharp.

    Arwen: :rolleyes:
    Gimli has been holding out on me, I didn't know it was a custom of the dwarves to paint thier toe nails. XD

    *The Mouth of Sauron appears*

    Arwen: What is he doing here?

    Aragorn: Punishment.

    Arwen: Huh?

    Aragorn: Sauron got tired of his incessant talking, so he sent him here to eat, hoping it would shut him up.

    Arwen: Ah..

    *Arwen stares at MOS massive mouth*

    Arwen: You really should see a dentist.

    MOS: I'm scheduled to see Dr. Gothmog wednesday. Apparently I need filling. XD
    *Arwen grabs a leg of pork and begins feasting*

    Arwen: What?

    Aragorn: I've never seen you eat like that.

    Arwen: Just because I'm an elf, doesn't mean I don't enjoy fine meats.

    Aragorn: Yeah but you've always eaten kosher.

    Arwen: This is kosher.

    Aragorn: No, that's pork.

    Arwen: Oh.. well then today I dine like the gentiles.

    Aragorn: The who?

    Arwen: Ask Tolkien.

    Aragorn: I'm so confused.

    I will as soon as Gimli takes his hands off of it. XD

    Let go Gimli!

    Gimli: The Salted Pork is mine! My own, my preciousss!
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