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  • is it dreary? it is a bit cold, perhaps, but not gloomy. i hope that you soon feel better, but remember: the best way to conquer is to try them again and again!
    Oh one of my Pappa's best mates who is a doctor heard about my accident and stopped over to see me. And he looked at my arm and didn't lik the fact that I'm still in alot of pain. So he is sending me for more x-rays. I have to go at 11:30 today. Pray that everything is ok.
    Much sympathy. It must be pretty nasty to be laid up with an injured shoulder so soon after recovering from pneumonia. Hope you feel better soon!

    I probably shouldn't chat right now. I'm trying to make a word count quota on a paper before dinnertime, so I need to get cracking.
    Oh my goodness!!!
    I'm so sorry to hear that, Sis. :( That's horrible!!! How are you feeling now?
    Yes, now you can really sympathize with Peter. Wow! How awful!
    Poor, dear.
    Love you! Hope you're feeling better.
    I fear not hurt nor pain, I am prepared to let blades and arrows cascade upon me. My shield shall protect me, my blade oscillating shall slay my enemies. I hear the horns of war! Battle is calling!
    Nay, it tis near my own village. I shalt have to depart for a few hours and I shall only be gone a hour or so. :)
    My poor princess, thy pain has become my own. I wish I could be with thee, to console you and help thee mend. Alas I have been called to battlion, there I must refine my skills as a swordsman. :)
    In real life, my own learning to ride horses as a boy was ON Palominos, because a vacation place my family went to had a stable of them.
    And what do you do?
    Again, I'm merely curious, and if you don't feel comfortable answering, feel free not to. ;)
    I tried but it's really weird because i can't find it again...sorry I don't know why.
    Is she a Palomino? She looks like one. You may have noticed that I depict Alipang and Kim Havens owning a Palomino.
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