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  • Haven't you seen where I posted on your prayer thread about the accident? Does it not follow from this that I saw where you reported the accident?
    Not bad, thank you. If you have seen my "Doozy" thread in the Prayer section, I can say with cautious optimism that the young lady described there is willingly absorbing Christian teaching.
    Ouch! That doesn't sound fun at all. Guess that's one of the prices you have to pay for the exhilaration of riding a horse. How are you feeling by now?
    I am so sorry you had this accident! But I am glad it was not much worse. My financial advisor years ago was thrown from her horse and suffered a severe head injury with complete amnesia! And one of our DJ's on the local Christian radio was just in the hospital for a couple weeks after being thrown -- broken clavicle, surgeries, etc. Please be very careful when you're riding. And take it easy for a while. I'm praying for your swift recovery.
    I don't know how to flashchat. And are you still on? I didn't see that I had VMs until just now. :(

    Youtube is a website where you can upload videos. You can watch videos that other people have posted, some of which could be songs or parts of movies. If you sign up, you can favorite and rate the videos.
    Still very good. But I stayed home today from school (dang it), because I got home at 11:00 PM yesterday after wandering around Warsaw with some classmates.
    We went to a Turkish-Muslim holiday (we're doing a project on ethnic groups in Warsaw), and it was awesome. Unfortuneatly we had to leave when everyone was starting to dance and bring out the food. However, we did get to stay for the opening ceremony...and even memorized a few prayer lines in Turkish! :cool:
    Thou art definately a optimist my lady, to call such a morning good. It causes me great sorrow to know thou wert hurt and that I am unable to assist thee. All I can offer is words of encouragement, that this knight shall lift you up in prayer and be here if thou needs me.
    Wow that sounds exiting! Was it fun? I've fallen off a horse several times. I got bucked off once. It was fun!!
    Ow, that sounds like it hurts. I fell off a horse once, but luckily was no worse for it. I hope you'll feel better soon.
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