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  • Let me explain something about myself. God never granted it to me to be physically impressive and athletic. He has also gone to great lengths NOT to let me ever be wealthy. Now, nobody likes to feel powerless and useless. And since I can't be rich and powerful, I find that HELPING others is a kind of power.
    "Yes it's true! You see my Dad found out that we have ancestors that were decended form King James I. So he talked to a friend of his who is a historian and he checked into it, and it turnes out that as long as you have Roylaty in your family the your royalty to. Which would make me a Princess." << Your sentance, I couldn't reply through PM as yours is full

    I tried to look it up but I didn't get the hang of what they were saying,
    If your distantly royal blooded I personally don't think that makes you a Princess, maybe a Lady or Dutchess or maybe not even something like that. As I'm under the impression that a Princess is the female version of a Prince who in my mind is a male closely related to the reigning monarch.

    Even if this is true you shouldn't use is as a way to either introduce yourself as or make friends over a sight where people can easily pretend to be someone their not. Like if people give out pictures you cannot be fully sure this is them and they might have just got the pictures of someone else's posts or profile.

    And P.S. 'turns' has no 'e' in it =)
    Hey babe I gotta tell you something. There is no "Princess Elizabeth" of England. Unless you're going by your middle name, Miss Beatrice.
    And if you are Princess Beatrice your sister's name isn't Elsesta,its Eugine.
    I went and looked up a ton of info. You're a fake. Even your pictures don't match anybody.

    I can cope with a fake identity but don't try to trick me into thinking you're the real "Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York"
    Pleased to meet you, your majesty! :D That's so cool. I wish I had royal blood. My ancestors were Missouri mountaineers...
    Not to be rude or anything, but I don't believe you. People can say anything and can act like anything on the internet, and I think most people here are correct in not buying it. Some of us aren't that gullible, and also, the moderators don't look too kindly on people who make up false identities. They most likely have ways of finding out somebody's identity should the need arise. Just a piece of advice.
    Ehhh,we'll see how that goes. I'm still a bit skeptic. Just keep calm and carry on and maybe I'll buy it completely.

    no hard feelings.
    I was investigating the possibility of marrying Hannah's mother. The mother wasn't interested. Oh, well.
    Hey, I've seen that you've been telling people your a Princess of England called Elizabeth. I have to say that's either a horrible thing to try and trick people about OR that's something you shouldn't broadcast to total strangers on the internet.
    Thanks =)
    Okay fine! Don't get in a fight with me! I'm only 12! I've gotten in a stupid fight with 33 year old over "slandering" her name when I didn't,so I'm being careful.

    I have to go now anyway but it was nice meeting you Princess.
    Are you ribbing me or are you telling the truth? because there was a girl on here who's age said 108 when really she was a teenager.
    if so that's interesting. You picked the right girl to talk to. I am an England enthusiast.
    If you truly are royalty I don't mean to offend you but I am wary...
    If you saw a photo of Gentle Voice being carried on a bearded man's back, yes, I was that man.
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