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  • Hi,I see you tried to add me to your friend's list. Could I get to know you a little better before I do that please? I am precise with my who I add.
    Hello your HIghness! I just thought I might warn you that I will be off and on today. More off than on but I will keep checking in. But when I get some time I'd love to chat with you on Flashchat if you want to?
    Thank you for your friend request. I hope your mum's surgery goes well next week, and that the rehab will go smoothly too.

    Also I liked your Lucy poem. My favorite line was "She holds happiness, love, opinions."
    Sorry,I'm not giving my e-mail on the internet with people I just got to know. :p
    I once had a not-so nice expierience encounter with the above example...
    Well, my fair princess!
    School's pretty well. I'm happy. :)
    And how are you? Is your pneumonia lessened? Or is it still high?
    P.S. Just so I don't forget, there's something wrong with FlashChat. It won't work on my computer...
    Perhaps these people are known personally to the Mods, therefore are trusted enough to have their membership process hurried up.
    Hi, dearie!
    Sorry I wasn't able to Flashchat with you again. I was doing school and sometimes it still shows I'm on TDL when I'm not.
    Also, here is my email address:
    I've had it since I was about 7 years old and was really into horses. I want to get a new Narnia related one soon. :)
    I'll be continually praying for you, my friend.
    What, you mean something even MORE recent than the image of you with a castle in the background and a hawk or eagle in the sky?
    Well, I'm descended from Charlemagne on my mother's side. But then, practically everyone with any Western European ancestry is descended from Charlemagne; that old lecher really got around.
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