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  • lol its ok, i enjoy talking with people and none of my fiends have phones and even if they did, it is too late to call them, and they aren't online either...
    thanks, you and your sis type to fast, i can't do anything without seeing that little thing on the top that says i have a notification...
    thanks, i havn't had the time to see yours or shadows siggy, but when i make the time i will look at it.
    I would use that quote, but I want it to be less known, and to be more deep and meaningful...
    How about I say that Summer and Evan had come to Master Pitik's house just before L-M showed up? So unknown to Al, they are inside the house. Then eventually, your narrative could reveal Summer's feelings at that time.
    Yeah, I don't think I'd want to watch it. My friends have told me some scenes in it that make me cringe. The Patriot is like that too but I love history, so I kept a pillow near by for when I needed to cover my eyes. Haha. Some of the battle scenes are pretty gruesome.
    Its ok... i was just a little weirded out there... but ok... lol. now that i know that, it is easier to understand why you and your sister get along
    Hahahah! I was just talking about that a few days ago! My friend knows that I'm a fan of Heath and ask if I ever got around to watching The Dark Knight. I told her I wasn't going to because he freaks me out in that movie. I can't even make it be him ... which I guess is a good thing :p
    lol... people on the internet realy need to tell someone else if they are a boy or girl....... especialy when they first meet...
    I've seen him in, The Patriot, The Brother's Grimm, A Knight's Tale, and The Four Feathers. He does an awesome job playing each of his characters. Haha! And yes, he's very cute :p That's always a plus ;) Haha!
    yeah. my other sister and i get along a lot, but we have our moments of dissagreements. I don't like my brother very much...
    Do you mean Leopard Man being REALLY sorry for what he did? Not just forced into apologizing through fear?
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