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  • I'm good thanks. :) Gettin ready to do homework, then work on "Faith"... because people may be out for my blood. I haven't updated in a couple weeks. XD
    um, ok....


    Mozart- tiny (meaning she has hardly grown since she was a week old and is two to three months) with dark hair (not black hair) faint creamy white stripes down her sides and on her tummy. Intense blue eyes.
    Dorthy- pale golden colored fur, green eyes, small.
    Caspian- dark hair, light white stripes down his sides, greenish brown eyes.
    Toto- golden fur, muddy brown green eyes.
    Frodo- gray fur with white stripes down his sides and on his face.
    Smokey- fur looks kinda like a russian blue's, but a more gray color.
    Shadow- black with a white spot on her chin.
    Tori- tortishell.
    Rita- looks alot like Mozart and Caspian.
    Jako- brownish golden fur, brown eyes, black stripes down his sides and back.
    Jaklikeo (Jak)- light brown fur with a golden tint, green-brown eyes.
    Mistyfoot- solid gray fur with white paws and white on his face, chest and chin.
    Cherry- Calico, green eyes.
    Ribbony- big with gray fur and white stripes on his sides, green eyes.
    Dora- fluffy brown with green eyes.
    Explorer- big, black and white with a hint of brown on his back, brown eyes.
    Creamy- cream colored with white paws, blue eyes.
    Midnight- black, green eyes.
    Flower- brown mixed with black fur, white stripes on her sides.
    Tigerclaw- orange fluffy unkept coat. Yellow eyes.
    Shawnti (Shanti)- tan golden brown with black spots, much like a leopard.
    Clancy- lightish brown with black stripes on his sides.
    Brightheart- sleek, gray white stripes.

    Catlition (Cat-li-tion)- Ribbony(leader), Explorer, Creamy, Clancy, Brightheart.
    LFF (Little Furry Friend) Catlition- Mozart(leader), Caspian, Dorthy, Toto, Frodo, Shadow, Smokey, Midnight, Flower.

    Forgive me if I've forgotten anyone.:eek:
    May I ask why you need this list?
    getting frustrated...I'm craving Swedish Candy and i can't remember the name of the company/kind that my friend sent me so i can order more...SWEDISH FISH ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH RIGHT NOW!!!!

    Well we're still not going :rolleyes: My brother has a football game he was planning on going to that night and not only is my dad getting surgery the day before but my mom's going to the doctor that day too. So maybe we'll all find another concert we want to see ;)
    That probably means Audrey's a music geek :D ;)

    Of course we're all CT geeks and I think if you're a geek of any kind of music that = music geek ;)
    Well I know from experience that it's possible to be a band geek *cough*fish*cough* :D So I don't know how it would be impossible to be a music geek :p
    girlgeek_jesusfreak is her username, (give or take the underscore ;)) I have to make her get on and accept friend requests :D
    Grrrrrr no fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm OK....writing...and waiting to see what awesome banner you make next :)
    ibqwawiwmh :D my oldest brother :p

    My oldest sister is validated now so we should all add her as a friend :p
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