um, ok....
Mozart- tiny (meaning she has hardly grown since she was a week old and is two to three months) with dark hair (not black hair) faint creamy white stripes down her sides and on her tummy. Intense blue eyes.
Dorthy- pale golden colored fur, green eyes, small.
Caspian- dark hair, light white stripes down his sides, greenish brown eyes.
Toto- golden fur, muddy brown green eyes.
Frodo- gray fur with white stripes down his sides and on his face.
Smokey- fur looks kinda like a russian blue's, but a more gray color.
Shadow- black with a white spot on her chin.
Tori- tortishell.
Rita- looks alot like Mozart and Caspian.
Jako- brownish golden fur, brown eyes, black stripes down his sides and back.
Jaklikeo (Jak)- light brown fur with a golden tint, green-brown eyes.
Mistyfoot- solid gray fur with white paws and white on his face, chest and chin.
Cherry- Calico, green eyes.
Ribbony- big with gray fur and white stripes on his sides, green eyes.
Dora- fluffy brown with green eyes.
Explorer- big, black and white with a hint of brown on his back, brown eyes.
Creamy- cream colored with white paws, blue eyes.
Midnight- black, green eyes.
Flower- brown mixed with black fur, white stripes on her sides.
Tigerclaw- orange fluffy unkept coat. Yellow eyes.
Shawnti (Shanti)- tan golden brown with black spots, much like a leopard.
Clancy- lightish brown with black stripes on his sides.
Brightheart- sleek, gray white stripes.
Catlition (Cat-li-tion)- Ribbony(leader), Explorer, Creamy, Clancy, Brightheart.
LFF (Little Furry Friend) Catlition- Mozart(leader), Caspian, Dorthy, Toto, Frodo, Shadow, Smokey, Midnight, Flower.
Forgive me if I've forgotten anyone.
May I ask why you need this list?