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  • “Put away you anger,
    Put away your fear,
    Then you will see me,
    For I am very near.
    Little dear Dorthy,
    Fire burns in your soul,
    Use it for good.
    For good.
    Well, I finally saw the banner you made for thegirls, it was fantastic!! I love it. And I really like the ship you had in my pic. :):)
    I'm so slow on catching things around here now... Oh well. I hope you're doing well. I'm doing pretty good lately. I've finally sent in all my college apllications, so that's a load off my chest. Now I can spend more time reading and writing (though I'm still sooo slow on writing. *sigh*) How have you been? Busy with anything?
    Hugs and love,
    Here's one more bit of Alipang trivia which is good for you to have on hand. Back when Alipang "investigated" Evan on Summer's behalf, he spoke with two girls whom Evan had previously dated. These girls both reported that the dating had been casual and harmless, and that they and Evan had moved on without anyone being hurt. The girls are named Jessica Starkweather and Luisa Quintero; they could appear in your story as you like, without you needing to hunt for any other coordinating facts about them.
    ah so how was the PSAT? SATs for me weren't that amazing, but hey at least I got it done. I have to wait to see what my scores are, but I'm glad they're over with lol. *hugs* talk to you later!
    Wow! What a convo with Copperfox!! haha. Swedish exchange student! SWEET! haha. Sorry i just saw that and that I'd comment on it. I love Sweden.
    Now, here's information PRIOR to Alipang's two "shoot-outs." Alina, the Swedish exchange student, was the first foreign citizen to be Homecoming Queen at Smoky Lake East. Alipang and Kim were not at the dance, but were at the football game, this being in November 2008 before Thanksgiving. Also, Erin Conrad has become close with Pete Gordon, whose older sister Amy is a talk-radio host at the local Christian station WVVV. The general manager of that station is named Otto Grundzig. And the church Wilson Kramer attends is House On Rock Baptist Church.
    Awww I'm glad. I am trying to type more "dream" but...I'm having difficulties the "" are only going one way, they're ending the's annoying me.
    Be sure to find the scene at Rafferty's Truckstop, in which Wilson Kramer was forced to shoot and kill a labor-union thug who was trying to kill Alipang. That night was a turning point for Alipang and Kim, and it led to Summer taking that trip to the state capital in support of Kramer.
    oh kay!!
    i will ask her as soon as she gets online!
    if not, do u think you could aske her for me?
    In case it comes up, the Pansit Paradise, for which Alipang now works only in the new catering service, is located in a strip mall which also contains Smoky Lake's leading pet-supply store. The Havens family lives on Liddell Street, not terribly far from General Longstreet Park. The school colors of Smoky Lake East are blue and gray, while West has black and teal.
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