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  • Question! Can you change (on that graphic) just take of the *Love* before Candi so it says "I'll always be here for you my sister. With hugs and love. Candi"

    Thank you!
    haha that would be pretty awesome! well I'll be going to a community college that's local, but in a couple years when I transfer... who knows where I'll end up! =D
    Sweet, it sounds like fun, and I need some new bands to listen to ;)

    I didn't get to sleep in, I got up at 6:30 and drove to New York :D Then I came back at 3:30 and spent the rest of the day in a revival at church, I like revivals, but I was dead tired.
    Awwww...-huggles- let me know when and Ill give you the do's and dont's...ok..and Ill be praying for you.

    Not really...and really drowsy at the moment
    “Do not let your anger overtake you, Fireheart. Chase it from your heart as you chase leaves around the lawns of Reandalawo. For anger will never save you from evil.”
    “Put away you anger,
    Put away your fear,
    Then you will see me,
    For I am very near.
    Little dear Fireheart,
    Fire burns in your soul,
    Use it for good.
    For good.
    What's their style like?

    True, we're just really busy right now ;)

    Okay we're really busy all the time, I'll ask when I have a good chance :D

    I know! Just watching the concert DVD is enough, I can't wait!
    Yes it went pretty well..the post - op feeling isnt going so well but hey it also could be because of my other health issues..

    At the moment..feeling very poorly.
    I get emails from BarlowGirl's site, they were talking about Vota, it sounded great

    with it being in spring I admit I'm putting off asking for a little while until we have more info ;)


    oh yeah :p:p:p
    busy busy busy busy. now that tennis is almost done, I'll get to breathe a bit, but I'll be focusing on turning in college stuff and getting a job, so then I'll be very busy again!
    “Friends we’ve come home!
    We’re home a-gain!
    Open wide ‘em gates!
    Bring out the little ‘uns!
    We Won the battle!
    So rejoice!
    We’ve come home victorious!
    Evil is erased!
    We are FREE!
    So come,
    We’ve come back victorious!
    Evil is vanquished!
    We are free once again!
    We have WON the Battle!!!

    “Little ones little ones
    Be great and brave,
    While you are small
    Let none trouble you.
    Be strong and brave,
    But humble and kind too.
    These kittens,
    Though babies,
    Let the White Cat be with you,
    Ever always,
    Tori’s kits.”
    Sounds cool. We checked other Barlow Girl concert times, sadly they were all far away from us so I can't even go to a different concert :rolleyes: but Liz got the CD today and I put it on both the computers I use.

    Kitty has been telling me all about the plan, I haven't talked to my parents yet so I don't know whether that'll work but I really hope it will!
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