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  • pretty good. reallly big into cosplay right now. :) getting things together for the premier of the last Harry Potter movie. i practiced my cuts and gashes the other day and went to the mall. the chick at hot topic thought i'd been beat up. XD go me!
    How could I forget you? :D *Tackle hugs* I thought of you the other day, we went to the Alive festival and I wondered if you guys would be there because I knew you sometimes go to concerts like that. I'm hoping to go to Pointfest this year. ;)
    Mainly getting ready for college and spending too much time on the computer.:p
    My sister and I aim to slowly build up our collection. Probably one or two books a year, so it'd take a while.

    okay. I learned something new today! (kind of)

    That's true too. And yes, high school is scary. But then again, college is going to be just as scary, if not scarier. You're going to have to face this "scariness" sooner or later, because the fact is, the world we live in is one big scary place. I guess the choice is between facing it now, while you are still with your parents who are able to guide you and give you advice; or waiting till you more mature and more ready to handle it. I honestly don't know which is the best for you, but I pray that the Lord will guide you and protect you. :)


    I won't be on tonight, so I guess I'll catch you later. Again, I'm so very glad you're back. :)

    Love and hugsess,
    Which books do you have? We also have Essential #3 and Classical #2. That's it.

    What are dance performances called, by the way? I should go to one someday...

    I think it would be good to take a class or two at the high school. Personally, I think the experience in itself would be worth while. After all, when you are in college it'd give you a better idea of where your friends are coming from. But of course, there are other considerations. Why don't you really want to?
    My cousins in America did the same thing. I think I'll email one and see what she thought about the experience.

    I think I'll start calling this mysterious young man Mr. Giggles. :rolleyes:
    Hmm... I never knew he was a samurai, though I do know that he fell in love with Mariko. In fact, I just finished reading their failed wedding. (My sister recently bought Essential X-men 4)

    Have you ever preformed? You know, I've never been to a dance preformance thingy before...

    Well, I wish you the best in the coming year. Will you be taking any AP classes, or don't you know yet?
    Okay, sorry for the sudden absence. (mothers, love them.)

    Wolverine trained in Japan? That would explain some things. When was that?

    My friends think the same thing about me (but there may be other reasons to that :rolleyes:). Try not to lose too much weight. I wouldn't want you to just waste away and disappeare one day... Which kind do you enjoy the most?

    he'd better be, as our Rach seems to think quite highly of him.

    Are you more excited or worried? I do hope you ahve a good year. And be prepared to write many essays and forms come application date. *sigh*
    Tell her I'll *hugglesess* her too. :D

    Yes, it was really good. I loved it too (apart from the more questionable parts...). I never really liked Xavier in the comics, but I loved him in the film. And Magneto was awesome. Do you know if they will be making more of it?

    I always like Shakespeare (though I've watched more than I've read). And I'm glad you had so much fun. :) Dancing every day? Wow. You know, I never asked, but what kind of dancing do you do?

    well, I'll be waiting. :p

    Somewhere across the pacific... (I'll PM you). What grade are you in?
    I'm so glad you decided to randomly think of us. :D And yes, I'm still on. Not quite as often (about once a week during the school year, and randomly more or less during the summer), but still on none the less. I've met lots of wonderful people over the past year, especially these two sisters who are completely crazy and random. They remind me so often of you and Kitty. ;)

    Do say hi to her for me, will you?

    And my sister wants to know what you thought of X-men First Class (assuming you've seen it?) (Isn't it creepy how my sister knows so much about everyone on the forum? :p)

    The preforming arts programme sounds cool. Having fun? What kind of acting have you done?

    and a new guy friend... will I be hearing more of him? *wink*

    As for me, I've just finished my first year of college! I loved it, but it's also good to be home (and back in Hong Kong) after almost a year away. I've enjoyed catching up with old friends. ;)
    Rach!!! I was just thinking of you! Literally, I just said to my sister at dinner, "I wish Rach and Kitty hadn't left." I can't believe you're on! :D:D:D

    I've missed you so much! Do try to get on more often. (I'll be happy even if you just drop by for two minutes a month.:))

    So, how have you been this past year?

    I love you too! *hugsess*
    Hey Rach,

    Just a note to say I miss you!!! No one reads my writings thread any more. :( :( :( :( I didn't even know you had "left". Love and miss you friend.

    Dear Rach,

    I don't know if you'll ever drop by to see this note. I do miss you, but I understand how life just gets busy, and, well... other things get more important. But we had good times, and if you don't come back, I'll be content with our memories.

    Anyway, I wish you a most beautiful Christmas. Get some snow (not too much), lots of presents, and lots of love.

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