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  • I just don't know...I've sometimes tried to,you know,talk to kids my age,but it usually goes bad.I don't know,maybe I'm with the "wrong people" or I'm the freak around the others.The kids often call me that,along with some names I wouldn't like to repeat.Partly it's my heritage(what?part Polish,part American.What is wrong with that?),part because of my interests(my tastes in music,for example,are a little...weird?Compared to many kids that I know.Not counting my hobbies,which include reading all the time,writing,walking around in a "daze",etc.I know,sounds stupid.:rolleyes:).So I think thats the main reason.
    Not to sound snobby,but I am nice to them.I haven't ever gossiped about anyone-even the worst kids.I have fought with them,but never unprovoked.So whats up with all this,I have no clue.Back to square one! *sighs*
    P.S.To get away from my pointless whining-I like your banners!:)
    Thank you for the advice.I'm introverted because of many reasons-past expieriences with kids my age,my upbringing,just my general personality.*tsk tsk*
    I'm trying to be more open,but strictly speaking,I don't have much trouble with my solitude.I DO have some real-life friends,but truthfully most of my time I'm somewhere else...which most call daydreaming.:rolleyes:Sometimes I do wish for a REAL friend,but then I go over all my ones that come from books and my imagination-and I don't feel lonely at all.The only bad thing is that I can't really introduce them to anybody "real",or that person will think I'm crazy.
    Oh sheesh-now I'm blabbing.And by now you probably think I'm cuckoo,right? :p
    I am already beginning to integrate Summer into the new story, though she is not yet onstage. Here's an idea--remembering that this is a "what if" story. What if BOTH Summer's husband Evan and Alipang's wife Kim, by no fault of Summer's or Alipang's, were killed? After a grieving period, would you find it reasonable for Alipang and Summer to find consolation with each other?
    I used to be into theater stuff,but then I sort of...quit.:oI should go and get back into it,and in the meantime I hope to get rid of my...introvertness(yes,you can't tell that about me online,can you?:p)and small case of stage-fright.
    I can't dance-unless I count the Mexican Hat Dance. :rolleyes:And I guess I can dance one or two old Polish dances.My mom's been encouraging me to take up some sort of dancing...folk is my dream.Either Polish or Irish.I love watching those types of dances.
    The dance groupMazowsze,for example,does traditional Mazovian(region in Poland)or sometimes from other parts of the country traditional Polish.Here's a video,kinda cheesy announcer but oh well,it just basically shows what Mazowsze does:
    So yeah,thats a few things I like...:p
    Public schools in the U.S. aren't bad...but I go to a Polish school so LOL.Next school year I'll be in gimnazjum(7th,8th,9th grades),in a private one.I'll be learning philosophy,as one of my new subjects,along with Physics and German.:)
    But enough of school talk!This is summer!:eek::D
    Ooh,Dance Intensive sounds fun-what style?
    Good!Summer's here,school's not...:D
    And just been doing a lot of writing.BTW-we have the same problem.I can't always nicely and in a lucid style put my ideas on paper.It's agony,all the editing.:rolleyes:
    But other than that...nothing special.Getting ready for summer camp(on Bornholm,Danish island)in three days.Going to be there for 10 days!!!Then there are other plans for after that.:)
    What about you?
    Hey!Never really said hi to you properly(although,if you went on some of the Dufferland threads,you may have seen evidence of mass destruction and idiocy.Thats the Traveling Trio's work-me,Maugrim the Wolf and Zorro the Kitten :p).
    So since you added me,thought I'd just come in and wave hello.;)
    Okay, what if Evan, as a therapist, had an influential patient who "ratted on him" for being a serious Christian, leading to his and Summer's arrest?
    yes you are :D

    fine, lot of stuff going on, my mom has been working (she's never had a job before except for restaurants when she was younger) and my oldest brother is still working on moving, my oldest sister bought a house and Machia and Liz are fine ;) Twilight and I are at home organizing all sorts of church stuff
    Yes, so that might be another reason I'm on facebook a lot more, the people I talk to on there I know in real life (for the most part) but I can always talk to you :D ;)
    I often have problems with both ;) talking online is like the only thing I never epically fail at :D
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