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  • Thanks. And by the same token, what would Summer have been doing as an 11- or 12-year-old in summer of 2004?
    If you have any pull with Dayhawk, you might ask her if she intends to give me her input on how the Kim Tisdale character would act as a 13-year-old in the buildup of my story.
    hey you're on!!! I had a fog day today so school is delayed and I don't have to be there until later. anyways, yeah I am soo excited you have no idea. I'll be sure to tell you all about it!!! *hugs*

    *laughs and follows Rachel and starts flipping through the newest Spider-man comic book*
    hello ! oh, thank you very much ! i really like this part of the film .. :D hum, and i would like to see someday your super powers ! lol
    so my internet wouldn't work until just now... =[ but anyways, I won't be on until Sunday or Monday evening, so hopefully I'll talk to you then! love ya Rachel, take care and have a fabulous weekend!

    *spots the comic-book store*
    Your up in the Elements.

    Btw, is Gentle Voice going to come on at all later today?
    okey dokey.... *searches mind for something to talk about...*

    *agrees if Rachel buys the boots that look stunning on her*
    ok give me a link to it when you post it so I can subscribe to it and keep track of it even when I'm gone.

    *points out some awesome sky blue converse with white poka-spots*
    okey dokey thanks a bunch! so what are you up to right now?

    *walks with Rachel and sees a sale for some adorable shoes and both gravitate towards the sale*
    way cool I'll be sure to read them... haha could you do me a favor and include, my character, Erin Conrad in it?

    *laughs and says no problem darlin, that's what friends are for, keep me updated on new breakthroughs!!! ...asks if Rachel is done with her pizza and offers to throw her trash away*
    seriously? where are they going?

    * demands to know his name, age, appearance, how you know him, and how long you've known him* =P
    Let's see, he was 16 for most of the year 2008, and he came to Smoky Lake when he was approaching but not yet 12, so he came in 2004 and turned 12 a couple of months later.
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