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  • lol yeah I reserved it at my school library and I was the second to get it!!! yeah I think you'll like it. when you read it, tell me how you like it!

    *luckily all those things are on sale so she can purchase them lol ... finds some jewelry that would look lovely with Rachel's eyes and with ANY outfit*
    Here's a point I'll bet your pastor _didn't_ mention:

    Suppose that a good Christian boy like my fictional Alipang is crushing on some girl who considers herself above him. The girl, if a Christian, might think she can make him feel _better_ about being unwanted if she says to him, "But I love you with AGAPE love! Isn't that SO much better than that silly old _romantic_ love?"

    She will, of course, _only_ make the boy feel _worse,_ because agape love is _only_ a virtue in the person _giving_ it; agape does NOT attribute value and goodness to the person _receiving_ it. In fact, an emphasis on agape between humans is most sure to occur when the person _receiving_ the agape is decidedly _inferior_ and undesirable! So to say to the boy "I love you with agape love" IS the exact same thing as saying to him, "Look how great MY spirituality is, to be kind to a contemptible worm like you!"
    well since its new it might not be... have you read any other of his books??? they are really good, but you kinda have to be up to disturbing themes, because he really likes those, but what I like about them is Dekker really puts a good Christian perspective on them.

    *blushes and asks Rachel's opinion if the shirt would look good with this (points) skirt*
    its his newest work that just came out like two weeks ago so I'm really excited to read it. Its about this girl who gets into a car accident and her memory is totally gone and there are all these unfamiliar people around her that are supposedly her friends and then she realizes that it wasn't the accident, but her medication that her "friends" are giving that is taking her memory... so she's not sure who's her friends and who's out to ruin her... and I'm almost done with it, and its REALLY good lol you should read it.

    *comes out wearing the shirt and waits for Rachel's reaction*
    lol good idea. yeah I am in a very exciting book right now so that's probably what I'll do afterwords =]

    *insists that Rachel buys them*
    fun fun! lol so I gotta go eat right now so I'll talk to ya afterwards...if you're on?

    *has Rachel try on a pair of capris*
    lol no kidding I have to take Physics next year... ugh

    *takes her there anyways and Rachel loves everything =P *
    eww yeah I did Chemistry last year and it was no fun. ugh.

    *suggests American Eagle or Aeropostale, they have cute pants*
    well I did a bit of homework and studying for future but yeah...

    *walks over to where Ariel's car was parked and drives to the mall*

    --we'll pretend I've had my license for over a year now so I'm a very experienced driver lol
    good!!! I had the day off from school today!!! So I got to lay around and relax and read my very intriguing book!

    *decides that we should go shopping for Rachel's costume party if she hasn't already gotten an outfit* (lol)
    sadness we missed each other!!!

    *we duck around a nearby alley and climb up the walls to the roof and roof-hop until we're in a different neighborhood*
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