Olórin the Wise

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  • Many thanks to all those who have, will, and those who intended but didn't quite remember to, wish me a happy birthday. Since there are far too many to thank individually, I can only offer this en masse thank-you and hope that it will suffice. :)
    Hi Oly,
    just wishing you an early happy birthday, since I won't be around then.
    Happy Birthday! :)
    best wishes,
    Yes...I know :(. Completely my fault, and I can only tell you I will try and be better about it from here on out. I do appreciate the nudge :p. However, you made your point, and I am fully aware of it. You can always PM me directly or leave me a profile message ;). Mafia games are somewhat like the last line in Macbeth's soliloquy: full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Anyhow, I am updating things now.
    I know I'm a bit late, but ...

    Wishing you a most merry Christmas in this joyous time. May the Lord bless you and your family, and may He grace you with Joy and Peace. Have a happy New Year too!

    With all the very best wishes,
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