Olórin the Wise

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  • but... sleepwalking isn't sleepwalking unless you don't know what you're doing, right, so that's a risky oath to have taken... or do you try to influence your sub-conscious by playing tapes of "do not cut off the beard, under no circumstances, do not cut it off or you will regret it"? well, if you ask for my opinion (don't answer that), it's a risky gamble.
    neither do i. although, i do have this ivy-plant that's growing too fast for me to kill it... but if i don't kill it, it'll strangle me in my sleep! :eek: *nervous twitch*
    don't you ever get scared of your beard strangling you?
    yes indeed, i do. somewhat like blackfeet, rednecks and redskins... oh, does your language have the "green thumb"?
    not sure if that was a good idea, in the times of pig flu...
    hey... if you're in the black hole and someone bites you - would the blood come out blue, since it's a vacuum?
    excellent idea, lieke *claps*




    yes, i know, you're waiting for me to do something very mean now. but i'll leave you in painful suspense for a moment... or two :D
    Olorinsesss!!! Hello :D *pushes him off cliff* Sorry, i didn't mean that... well, i did, but i didn't mean for you to be Whalespla... well, that too, but i didn't mean this petroleum and torch to fall after it :eek:
    ...and memorize the code. that's the part where i fail.
    i wonder if anyone will ever figure out my invisible avvy... gimp-users clearly have an advantage here. :)
    :D you did??? awesome! i feel so powerful now... :rolleyes: actually, i rarely use invisible text, because i can never remember the code.
    oh... so you mean, i was able to fool everyone but you? i see... you must be a great and powerful wizard - or is that just what you want everyone to think?
    no i don't remember that... so maybe i just don't have a memory... :confused: if i didn't have a mind, i couldn't post in the "what's on your mind LXVIII" thread, right?
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