Olórin the Wise

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  • Yes indeedy.

    Hey, Nota Bene...or something... Not really, I think it's actually P.S. in this case. Anyway, user notes... Can you only view your own?
    I am fine too. And my arm is too, yayness, it hasn't bugged me in a while. Are you going to college next year?
    A wizards greetings. Did you know Ian mckelan is from the lakeland district of england.Not far from Patrick stewarts hometown. gandalf is really an angel incarnate in a old body.He serves God by declaring the sole glory of worship belongs to God,and not to sauron,a demon. That is Tolkiens aim purpose to show,sole glory due to God and freedom for men from dark tyranny. CS lewis purpose of Narnia is our sole glory due to jesus the lion of Judah(aslan).Pray always jesus is in our heart and forgives our sins.Well see CS lewis that way someday.
    Now you tell me! :mad:
    Well, just for the record, I can't spin thrice on one foot.
    And I seriously doubt that sacred, secret altar of appointments actually exists. In fact, I think you just made it all up! *glares*
    so apparently you're 17 now.
    Happy belated birthday...

    if we lived in this big house,
    u, me, amy, derny, suzi, joe, and the others
    we would be liek the neighbors who hardly talk.
    except once a month during a barbeque.
    Is this when I should say "thanks anyway, I've changed my mind"?

    Well, I won't. In fact, I'll do as you say just to prove... um... something.

    *stands, closes eyes, extends one finger, presses key*

    *spins in circles three time*

    (This had better be real, my borther's laughing)

    *opens eyes*

    It didn't work! :mad: You, you...evil wizard!!

    Okay, seriously, how do I make an appoinment?
    i have never heard that expression before. maybe its stratification is limited exclusively to wizards, who have the power to merge the two senses, thus demonstrating their superiority in frowning thunderously. but i'm glad you are just frowning upon my villainy... :D
    Dear Oly,
    I'd like to book an appoinment with your idea section. When and where am I allowed to make appointments?
    Dear Oly,
    I am not spamming your profile, this is a perfectly serious and well thought out note.
    *sprinkles seriousness all over note*
    Now all I need to do is deal with the "well thought out" bit. Any ideas?
    haha. i didn't know you would actually do it, sg.
    and having a conversation with sg on your profile, too. how rude of me. i do apologize.
    *paints picture in the mud*
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