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  • Nopers, he is the same or worse. He is discussing why the Founding Fathers weren't Christian right now.
    four tests, Fall Break (on campus) where I had to move out of my dorm. Now, freedom to relax.
    Blessings on that test!!! You can do it! Yea Tess!

    LOL, moving is an option, but I have a feeling if I do it will be the other direction...not to get intentionally further away by any means. I'd love hanging out in person! It's a long story....but just having the hope of change helps me get through each day.

    Some days I wish life was a whole lot simpler. Ah well. It's better with awesome friends to gab with...regardless of how far away they are.
    I'm not sure about what the changes in my world will look like...I just know I need several. Lots of things are open to change overall.

    Your history teacher better like ya or I'll have to think badly of him. You're too much of a sweetie! *snugs* Hopefully that teacher will know that a treasure is sitting in class there. Keep working hard and you'll get there my friend!

    Thanks for the prayers! Keep praying. It's crazy stuff to deal with. Bless you!
    its about a slave who is mostly white, but still considered black, that switches her baby son with a rich person's son and hopes Puddn'head (a lawyer and fingerprinter) doesn't figure it out.
    squee!!! It's a good day for me too. ^_^ I have to drive my sister to her v-ball game pretty quick, but I have midterms to study for this weekend. *vomits* lol, hope school is going well for YOU!!!!
    Hey Tess, it's still not resolved yet to my knowledge. The courts take forever. Physically I'm doing much better. I've been overwhelmingly busy though. Work is insane here and I'm looking into possible changes in my life...believe me I need a few. How are you? What's up in your world? I'm sending hugs your way!
    Yeah..*sigh* I've been confused all day. :p which is why I'm going to go sleep now. hahaha. good reasoning, ne? I'll see you around for sure. I'm not disappearing again. :rolleyes: wheeeee
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