oxford girl
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  • So I got it right? yayyyyy! *hugs self...then hugs tess* I don't care if that's not your name. I'm calling you that. :p kidding.
    awesome! Like CSI...but real...ahahhaa. sorry if that sounded dorky, but that's really cool......tess?....argh..*has been away too long*..yes?....maybe...?....hmm.....x.x........*pokes self*
    I'm good! tired....bored.....exhausted, and keeping really really really busy. I'm going to culinary school at the moment to be a pastry chef! I know that may seem like out of the blue, but it's a weird story. It's really fun and exhausting, but totally worth it. how are you?
    HEY have you read my writings?? I can't remember LOL The link is in my siggie [it's a big banner you can'tmiss it...] How are you? I haven't talked to you in a while.
    I love reading, being on the computer, One Tree Hill, being left alone, talk on the phone with my really special friend, being on my blog, listnening to music, especially rock, talking in English, vacation aswell :p ...
    yeah, it is, but we've only been talking about work, andcolleges :p:p

    what are you fond of ??
    well, I don't work a lot, but I get really good marks, always the bests, and when I work hard, I always get 20 (A in America)
    yeah, I'm good in everything almost, music, sport, art, French,English, Spanish, Latin, Maths, Physic, Science, Technoology ... :D:p
    You don't get fall break? is that a European thing or what? We're homeschooled so its a little earlier than usuall.
    well with science, you can do whatever you want if you're good in it, with litterature, it's a little more complicated to find a job, or something like that ...
    I'm not really sure, you know I still habe time for that I'm only 14, I'm interested in Litterature, the problem is, I'd better do a scientific thing...
    oh, so you're planning to go there ?? Because I am, but I still have time, I'll only be in igh School next year :p:p
    I was wondering that because of your username, are you at Oxford?? I mean the college ?? :confused:
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