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  • you don't think he took it har? I thought he did...but then...that would just be evil of him...I don't know. it just seems to hoaky to bring LD back
    I have decided that he isn't comming back...it's just oo much. I mean I kille dhim and that should be the end of it otherwise ti's too much liek TV
    Yaaay! But I'm taking quarters. So that would be . . . winter? *Gets hopes up, only for Tess to dash them against rocks with the "Spring Semester" thing again* :p
    Waiit . . . I don't really get it. :p Sorry. Explain?
    Ya . . . you're right. Instead, it would be like:
    "Oh my. Did you hear what happened last week in Iceland?!" *Tess's mouth goes dry, when she realized that what happened was highly classified information.*
    "Uhhh . . . ." *Levi's mouth goes dry, when he remembers that he's one of 3 people assigned to the counter-intelligence case.* "No. No, I never heard what happened. You know--Iceland is just . . . way out there . . . no one really thinks about it and stuff. More punch?" :p
    Yay! I'm taking it next quarter, hopefully. ^_^ . . . or not. I'm still getting a feel as to how this works. :p
    Violent Earth is Geography about how volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and the such affect (or is it effect? Gaah! I'm loosing my mind!) the earth. Supposedly it's really good. I'm worried about Maths, though. I heard the professor was a "Nazi psycho". *Cringes*
    LOOL! That would be so hilarious!
    "So, Levi, what are you doing for a job these days? To keep you busy and all."
    "Me? Oh. Uhhh . . . yeeaaaahhh . . . I . . . am . . . I'm working at . . . the bank. Haha--yes, that's right. The bank. It's international. They keep me busy . . . and . . . stuffs. Yeah. Bank. Hmmmm. So how about you?"
    "Me? Oh. Riiighht. Errrr . . . .*Eyes get serious* You know, that's funny! Same here! Ya . . . the bank. Keep me busy. Really busy. *Smiles innocently* So did you hear who Sara was dating recently? He pulled the weirdest thing. Totally irritated her. Let me tell you about it. . ."

    Aaaand so, I spend the rest of the "reunion night" in my suit, sipping punch and wine, and hearing all the "unexpected news" about what kind of people Sara and Gaby find themselves with. :eek:
    Aaaah! Not writing intensive? :O Not good. For me. And you. :p Math 99, French 111, and Geography--The Violent Earth. ^_^ I'm so excited!
    Ya, I don't know everything about my future job or major, so I might have to do a double major as well. Geez, it's going to be so awesome to see where we are with life in ten years. :D
    I could go home early, but there's this thing called money that I'm in need of...that and I don't have much of any time off left and if that ID theft case gets going again I'll need those days for the trial.

    I'll get through it. Thankfully it's a bit more of a quiet day at present and just sitting here at my desk isn't so bad. If I really start to feel bad and know I need to get to bed soon I'll give the boss a holler. Apart from that I'll leave here and get home by 5:30pm...and then I'll munch something and probably go to bed.
    I'll try. I have to deal with anything they bring out to me. If I start feeling bad enough I'll go home. Sleep sounds great right about now...but I still have 5.5 hours of work left. Ah well, lunch is coming soon.
    I'm not sure what's going on there. Last I heard they were going to appeal the case. The judge let her go due to too many police errors in handling the case before.

    Blessings to you on your test! *Hugs* You're a treasure Tess dear! Thanks for all the encouragement!
    Hey Tess dear, thanks for the note. I'm glad to be on for a sec today. I've been too sick and work has been too busy for me to be on the last few days. I hope that things are going well for you! How's school? I'm sending hugs to you!
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