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  • I am thinking about it...it would be fun. I had an Idea for HSM3 but I was too late and they had already setteled on a script :(

    I'd love to...could you email it to me as an RTF attachment?
    Well I am trying to get my Susan story finished and then I am going to be working on a book that is loosely based on my growing up days...I don't know how that one will turn out.

    I'd like to read it once you are finished...if you don't mind
    Whoooaaa! That's way too much. Please tell me that's a Writing Intensive class. Please tell me it is. *Sobs*
    Awww. I'm so sorry to hear that. Maybe I should just come over there and teach y'all. I was really hoping to take history this quarter, but all of the classes are in the evenings, which I can't do. :(
    But the November one makes me feel better. I'm glad I'm not going for an English degree, though.
    Yeeeah! Then I wouldn't just be that annoying TDL account who occasionally bugs you with random stuff ... I'd be that annoying person who always bugs you with crazy stuff! :p
    Whoa! When are they due? How big are they? :O
    Hopefully, I'll be doing:
    Math 99
    English 101
    French 101

    And if any one or two of those don't work, I wanna take:
    History 116 (Ancient)
    Beginning Karate
    Aaand something else that I can't remember. ^_^
    Heeey! Tess! I took the COMPASS test a couple days ago and scored into Math 99 and English 101. I'm signing up for my classes today and taking a student orientation. Hopefully I start on the 22. How about you? What's up? :D
    those sound like interesting subjects. what are you Majoring in?

    I am taking History 1500 to the present, Philosophy, Sociology, Math, Art, and Music
    it is interesting but as a Christian some things are hard to read as tehy are comming frome a secular point of view. but it has only been two weeks so pehaps it will grow on me :D what other subjects are you taking?
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