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  • D
    Thanks for thinking so.:)
    Forensic Science is cool.:cool:
    My difficulty is I'm not particularily talented at anything..I can do a lot of things okay,but I've no real talent.:eek:
    Writing is awesome,but yeah,its a difficult field.

    Its my favorite subject.:D Well,officially my major is English,but unofficially..I'm undecided.:eek: Yeah,I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with my life.:eek:

    If you do,send me your address and I'll friend you.:D

    Awesome! Let me know when you have it up,please.
    I get untill the day after my birthday-January 4th. Then back to college.:p But I'm taking more History this quarter so I don't mind.:)
    Three?:eek: Wow!!! I've been lucky enough to have no more than 1-2 on a day.

    Its basically a site where join communities that interest you,and post whatever you want in your own personal journal.This is mine..its basically just ramblings on classic media.:p

    Certainly! I love stories with Jacob! I tried to help Ginny keep her's going,but only I and one other person posted so she never finished it.*frown*
    Hi Tess!:D I'm pretty good,I finished my last final on Wednesday so I'm on break.:D
    Good luck with your's,I'm sure you'll do great.:)

    Do you have a LJ? Thats mostly where I am now (I only post on a couple threads here).:)

    I'm pretty sure we still are because Ginny posted one a bit ago..but almost nobody reads stuff there unless its Narnia.*sighs*
    I haven't read the book but I love the movies. I haven't really ever been excited about reading the book cause I've heard that they can get mundane. :p That's just what I've heard though.
    Hi Tess.:) I noticed your we're leaving too and I wanted to give you my email address in case you'd like to write.:)

    I think of it as a completely different movie! I still don't like it all that much. Mr. Darcy could've been cast better in my opinion.;)
    YEY! I was hoping you'd say that! I don't like the new one all that much. It's more of a love story than an actual Jane Austin. If you know what I mean. My mom loves it though :p
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