Pirate Queen
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  • Yep! Haha! :D
    Haha, it was.
    Yep, sounds like you guessed it! :p What is an ACT test? Did you end up taking it?
    We got an amazing amount of snow! :eek: Something between 20-28 inches! :D The roads are a mess, people are losing power, and school's probably going to be out all week! Haha, one of my friends got stranded at our house (kind of planned, heheh), so we've had a triple, going on quadruple, sleepover. So we've been out in the snow, playing Risk... watching Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)! Have you seen any Jane Austen movies?
    Wow! That's dedication! :eek: I can't imagine doing that, for 8 hours... wow. Yeah, the best I've done is when there was a HUGE snow bank by the side of the road, and if you hollow it out, you can make a fairly good snowfort, haha.
    Haha, we lived in Alabama a while ago, and it NEVER snows. But one of the winters we were there, we got 2 inches! Crazy! So every kid in the neighborhood is at this huge field playing in the snow. Some boys rolled together this huge snowball that was the height of an adult, and it lasted for like, a month! So we could look over walking through the field and see the tiny snowball that all that was left... :p
    Yeah, I'm so excited!! :D Well, kind of... idk, I'm in-between the North and the South, but it was South in the Civil War, so... *shrug* But the weather we've gotten this year has been abnormal! Last year, we got two puny snows (2-3 inch, tops), but this year has been super-cold, and we already got one major snowstorm as big as the one coming up!
    Yay!! That's awesome! LOL! Yeah, igloos are really hard... we never finish them either... :p So frustrating! Haha! Snow's sooo beautiful, I always feel kind of sad for it when it gets all messed up... but it's so much fun to mess it up... argh! I have a split personality! :p
    Guess what? I just heard we might get a huge snowstorm over the weekend! Like, 8-20 inches! :eek:

    LOL! Yep, that's the one thing I really can't live without! :p Haha! It was like a conspiracy or something! :p
    (Ahh! Sorry for the late reply! Busy, busy, busy...) That's AWESOME!! Did you get a lot?? Haha, did you go out and build a snowman or go sledding? :p We got some snow over the weekend too, and it's snowing some more right now! It's so pretty! :D

    Yeah, no electricity is a nightmare! :p Haha, I know, right? Without a recharged iPod, computer (TDL!), oven/microwave... :eek: A few years ago, our neighborhood had a power problem for a week or so... it would be fine all day, but every evening, it would go out at 5:30ish and come back on in the middle of the night, really weird! :p
    Yep! It was a blast! :D (From the past! *lame joke* :p)

    Sa-weet! Valley Forge would be incredible. I would love to go there sometime!
    LOL! No way! That's awesome! :D Pocahontas rocked! (*cough* I mean, when I was 7... heheh :p) Haha, I went through my obsessive-AG doll-stage... I spent hours looking at the magazines, and I must have read every single historical doll book written! :p And the mysteries, too...

    It's by Michael Shaara. I can't really describe it all that well, but it basically tells the story of the Battle of Gettysburg (random: I got to visit that battlefield, really awesome! :D), from several different perspectives on both the Union and Confederate side. It's really cool!
    Haha! Yep, me too! I love it all, from ancient to WWII. If I had to choose, I would probably say Revolutionary War period is my favorite-- I read a lot of really good books set in that period when I was a little kid and got hooked, and that's probably also the era I know the most about. I just LOVE world history though, of any time period... it's amazing to learn about what certain countries are doing at the same time, and making the connections between them and how they affect each other. (Like France and America during the Revolutionary War.)
    Civil War is awesome, too! Have you read The Killer Angels?
    *cries :p*

    My Mom is making me get off...Its been awesome talking to you again, though! :D See ya whenever we're both on at the same time again! :p
    That's cool, I would love to learn German...And driving on a road with no speed limit would be awesome!!! :p

    Ireland (Scotland would be my second choice, but Ireland is what I really wanna see), my reason is pretty much the same...its just beautiful...I would love to just walk from one end of Ireland to the other. :p

    YOUR TURN! :p

    Yup, it was pretty crazy...I would stay up all night with you guys and then I had something to do during the day ALL three days! :eek::p

    Now its YOUR turn to pick a topic! :p
    Gee! Thanks! I always knew I could depend on you! :D

    Fine. :p Ummmmmmmmm, What's the longest you've gone without sleep? I think I went without sleep for like 3 days during that Summer where we would all be on TDL all night...
    Yeah, It was pretty terrible...

    Me too!

    Winey the Pooh? Yeah, thats pretty awesome. :p Thanks for the info. :p

    *can't think of anything to talk about* :p
    Haha, yeah, I've just seen pieces of it (it was playing at a friends house while I was there.) and it was superrrrrrr gory. :rolleyes:


    Oh, yeah, I saw that! I can't wait! It'll be awesome! :D
    lol! Yes, it is! YOU NEED TO SEE IT! :p Yeah, me neither, really...I do think that it is overdone in some movies (*cough* 300 *cough* :p), though.

    Ha! I suppose we shall agree to disagree! :p
    :p Yeah, I know, its a real travesty to have no explosions in a movie...:p Ahh, you've gotta see Braveheart (although it is quite violent...then again, most war movies are. :rolleyes:)! Haha, yeah, that would be kinda weird. :p

    Thanks, Sheri! As far as graphics-making goes, practice really does make perfect...;-) Haha, I think my first graphics were pretty terrible. :p Thanks, though! :-D I know, right? That song is just amazing!
    Haha, yep, I really like it! :D Haha, sounds pretty good! (Sherlock Holmes...not North & South! :p)

    :p I'm full of surprises! :rolleyes::p LOL! Well, I'm pretty sure this movie didn't have any explosions...:p I have seen Pearl Harbor...I liked it ok, but I didn't LOVE it like everyone else that saw seemed to...I don't really know why...I did love We Were Soldiers and Saving Private Ryan, though. :-D And Braveheart (one of my all-time favorite movies. :-D). I don't think I've ever cried during a movie...I have gotten watery-eyed, but I don't think I've ever cried...Yes, I know, my heart is a stone. :p Some of my friends tell me that. :p

    I almost forgot...I was bored so I found some Heath Ledger pics and made a wallpaper with the lyrics to Yesterdays (Switchfoot, beautiful song)...thought you might wanna see it. ;-) Here
    *late response to your post :p*
    Well, my copy is about 1,500 pages...:p I really want to read Sherlock Homes, I just haven't gotten around to it, yet. :p

    Good guess! Yeah, I liked it. :p
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