Pirate Queen
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  • :p

    Aww, thats too bad about Alice...I still haven't been able to see it. :rolleyes: :p

    Yeah, it was amazing! He played a brand new song (he played it live for the first time the night before) called, "Only Water" and it was really beautiful...it was just him and his acoustic guitar and it was a super-amazing song--I can't wait for his next album! :D
    Bahaha! Life's not fair! :p Just kidding...sorta. :p:p Haha, yeah, that doesn't sound like much fun...:p Hehe, that's what my sister keeps saying...:p

    Oh, boy! Sounds like fun! :p Oh, how was it? I haven't seen it, but I want to! :D Ummmmmm, well, on Sunday I'm going to a TobyMac/Brandon Heath/House of Heroes concert, which should be a blast...but other than that...no, not much. :p
    Ha! :p

    Haha! I have fewer years of school left than you do since I'm joining the Marines! Only two! :D:D That sounds kinda nice...:p

    Anything interesting happen to you lately?
    :eek: You're the first person I've met who doesn't like the smell of coffee! :p

    lol, yup, they chose a good actress to play her. ;) Yeah, it was a cool ep...Haha, yeah, I really liked them, too!

    I know, I've been super busy! :rolleyes: Evil school. :p I'm pretty good--not been doin' much besides school. :p You?
    Blasphemy! :p j/k! I love the smell and the taste!

    Haha, they are hilarious together...Yeah, Morgana is an...interesting character, she sorta goes back and forth between being good, and then being evil. :p I def. agree about Gwen/Arthur, in the beginning I was like "where's the Gwen/Arthur?" And then it sorta just appears from nowhere. :p I really liked "The Labyrinth of Gedref", And yeah, that was pretty disgusting...:p

    Haha! Nice! :p
    Haha! Nice. :D Yeah, I'm about halfway through season 1... :p The problem is, I just haven't had time to watch anything, wayy too busy with everything. The only time I've made headway is when I stay up really late and then I get in trouble with my parents in the morning, haha. :p
    Aaand, gotta go! See ya!
    Hey! (late, late response) Haha, I love Merlin! I'm so far behind it's not even funny though (still in Season 1...) :p What was the last episode you've seen?
    :p Haha, *gasp* I can't believe you don't drink coffee! Best drink on earth! Next to Dr. Pepper. :p

    Hes awesome, but I like Merlin more. :p I really like that entire cast...:p :-D I would never think you're a complete idiot...well...j/k jk! :p I would love to do that! Go with some of my friends to a theme park and video tape the whole thing...bahahahaha! It would be hilarious! :p

    Hahahahaha! Its a sign! (Of what, I do not know--but its a sign! :p) That is a crazy coincidence, though.
    Hahahahaha! I could never imagine you as some crazy online stalker! :p Something that reminds you of coffee, I guess...Folgers is a brand! :p Don't you know your coffee brands?

    Yes! I love that show! And I've seen that video and I think you and I are the onlly ones who think its funny...I've shown it to several people who just look at me like I'm an idiot while I laugh my head off. :p But yeah, I lol every time I watch it! Bradley (the guy who plays Arthur) seems like someone who would be hilarious to hang out with! :p :-D
    Ha, I suppose. :p

    I'm not sure what I would say if you guessed correctly! :p Maybe I'd say you were wrong anyway just to keep you guessing! Mwahahaha! :p
    Sorry its taken me a while to respond...I'm at my sister's house till Thursday, and I don't get as much computer time...:(:p

    :p lol!
    Its been so long that I don't remember what was funny...maybe I was just in a laughing mood that day. :p Bahahahaha! Coffee is the only hint you get! :p
    Yes, whatever I say! :p LOL! Yeah, my mom probably thinks I'm way past crazy...In fact, that would explain all those calls to the local asylum...:eek::p ROFL! See? You're hilarious! Yeah, my last name is cooler than Latte! :p

    Hahaha, yep! Its fun! You should try it! Like, one of my friends said (to another friend), "You're hilarious!" And I said (sarcastically, of course) "Au Contraire!" :p
    ROFL, see, you are hilarious! That line about your childhood slipping through your fingers made me laugh out loud! :p:D Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Thats crazy weird! It would have been even crazier if your subconscious had gotten my last name right! :p

    Au contraire! (I love that phrase! :p)
    Mothers. :rolleyes::p

    It was funny. End of discussion. :p Haha, I'm actually pretty excited just because I finally know what I wanna do, and when someone says, "What're you gonna do when you graduate?" I don't have to say, "Uhhhhhh, I have no idea." :p

    Hahahahahaha! I can see the merits of both arguments. :p
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