Pirate Queen
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  • :eek: 5,000?!?!?! You're insane (no offense...:p)!

    They're pretty popular books, so they probably (hopefully...) will. :p

    Sorry, typo. I read it "Lenerdo" because I was reading it like it was "Leonard" until I got to the "o". :p Haha! Dog is way cooler than Kat! :p "Leo" wouldn't be too bad, though...

    EDIT: Soooowy! I gotta go to sleep...Its past midnight and I'm waking up semi-early to go...fishing. :p
    And if they do have school I can just say, "The calender said we were off on Monday!" :p I am a great multi-tasker...but I tend to shun texting. And most of my friends shun actually calling anyone. :rolleyes: Ha, I probably will. *ponders*

    It is! Sa-weet! You'll have to lemme know what you think of it! Yeah, violence doesn't bother me much either...but too much of that other stuff is lame. :p

    Ha! I totally read "Leonardo" as "Lernerdo". :p I'm with your bro--Dog is a pretty sweet name! :p
    I'm not really sure why we get Monday off...That's just what my calender says, so I'm going with it! :p Bah! Preposterous--brb, I have to call someone...and my friend is texting me. :p j/k Yeah, I tend to complain about it sometimes, but its really a pretty great place to live...LOL! I literally laughed out loud reading that! :p

    Yeah, I read some others by him that I can't remember the name of...Here's a good description I found on Wikipedia. :p

    Sophos, heir to the Sounisian throne, never wanted to be a prince, much less a king. He would rather continue his studies than learn swordplay or combat. To his dismay, Sophos is his uncle’s only heir, and he has no choice—until he is kidnapped. Sold into slavery and set to work building walls for the estate of one of his uncle’s enemies, Sophos could remain anonymous for the rest of his life. That would mean that his country would crumble under the mounting conspiracy, and he realizes that he can not abandon his people. Battling his way out of slavery and through the conspirators’ army, Sophos turns to the only person he is assured will help him: his friend, Eugenides.

    Its really a great series with some seriously awesome plot twists and action...I definitely recommend them, but if you decide to read them be sure to start with "The Thief". ;-) Ha! That would be crazy! The violence described in a lot of books would give them R ratings. :p
    Yeah, the ship sinking would probably be pretty awesome...:p
    Hehe, guess what? I just found out that I get Monday off from school, too! :D Yes, all by myself! :p Yeah, it was about an hour and a half long drive...Bah! Me? Addicted? Never...:p It is really awesome, I live in a county that borders a huge lake, so I can go pretty much whenever I want and just sit and think by myself (ha, I feel like such an old person when I say that..."just sit and think", what am I, 100? My friends always say I'm an old soul trapped in a teenager's body. :p).

    Awesome! I've read some Stephen Bly, he's a great author...Well, I just read a book called "A Conspiracy of Kings" (Megan Whalen Turner) It was phenomenal! Its part of a series but can really be read by itself. There were, like 5 curse words, though. Which was unfortunate. :rolleyes: Still, it was a great book. ;-)
    :p Haha! Nice, I haven't seen Titanic in a loooong time...Didn't you tell me they were re-releasing it in 3D sometime? I bet that'll be pretty sweet. You don't get a Spring Break *gasp*?!?! How utterly depressing! :( Well, two days is something, I suppose. :p Weeeeell, I drove an hour and a half to see my sister and Grandma today, which was a blast! Oh, and I got a cell phone yesterday! Even though I probably won't use it that much, its still exciting! :p And, I'm going fishing again tomorrow! :p I've really gotten into that again, lately...I used to be obsessed with it, but sorta just stopped going. But now that I can drive that's changing! :p Its really nice to go by yourself and just sit in silence (other than the water...). Very calming. :)

    Read any good books lately? :p
    Yep, i was on at school for a little while yesterday :D I don't have great internet at home anymore :/ so i can only get online at school and stuff. What's up? How's life? Oh my gosh, HI! :D
    Hey, hey, hey! :p Hows it goin'? SO EXCITED FOR SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D I went fishing today, and caught three nice sized bass...It was a blast, I'm going back in the morning. I'm really hyper so forgive me if this message has no real coherency...:p What are your plans for Spring Break?
    :p Hahaha! That would be awful...in a hilarious sorta way....:p

    Hmmmm, well, I don't really ever feel guilty about eating....:p I don't really know, what is yours?
    LOL! I could see them yelling at you, "DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!" "I'm sorry, I just don't feel motivated..." :p Ha! Ok, I will!

    Pick a new topic! :p
    I'm never wrong! :p Haha, well, I'm doing it to get ready for the Marines, so you could decide to join the armed forces. :p Maybe that would motivate you. :p I think I will! I'll let you know how it goes when I do it (which could be a while...)
    I do say so. :):p I'm working on getting in shape...Haha, wow, 51...Thats awesome! Maybe I'll go to the track in town and see how many miles I can ride my bike sometime...
    *high fives* Wow, that's impressive! You did not give in to peer pressure! :p Haha, yep, that's how I feel about the guys I'm friends with. It'd be just weird. :p

    I gotta go! :( Haha, you guys kept me up late, I'm gonna fall asleep in the middle of my song! :p

    Wow! Thats great! Totally impressive! There aren't really sidewalks where I live so I don't get to ride my bike as much as I would like to...:/ And 34 miles is awesome! I would love to see how far I could bike in one day before I collapsed of exhaustion...:p
    Haha! Yeah, it was awesome. :p

    No, that sounds, again, just like me! Seeing all the (sorry, but) stupid "high school drama" some girls get sucked into really annoys me... I'm not heartless, but when girls go out with a guy for a month or so and then break up, I find it extremely hard to be sympathetic to any degree... Plus, high school is without doubt, the worst place to try to create a permanent 'relationship' (excluding middle school and elementary school :p). They just don't work-- how can you possibly plan to maintain a relationship after you graduate? *sigh* LOL, so, yeah.
    Haha! Ohh, that's really fun to do! :D Haha, just a few days ago, I got it into my head to practice turning my teacher's neutral smiley that I'd gotten that day into something else... a minute later, it was an amazing, state-of-the-art bell tower. :p

    Exactly! Yeah, they can be so overly emotional, too... like, I was watching one of my friends try to talk to one of her friends on the phone, and her friend burst into tears like, three times, at jokes! UGh. I tend to get along better with guys, as a general rule, although there are plenty of immature guys... but they're relatively sane! :p

    EDIT: okay, hopefully I'll see you soon! I may or may not have to get off... it's 11:30 my time, and my mom might start giving me the evil eye any moment... :eek::p
    Haha, you're just hilarious, that's all! :p Niiice! LOL! Ah yes, at last, after years of artistic unappreciation (yes, I know it's not a word... it should be), I have found a fellow man(/woman) who truly appreciates great geometrical art! :rolleyes::p

    Yep, sounds like my friends! :p I'm something of a tomboy compared to them, lol. Yeah, absolutely!

    Soooooo.... you pick a topic! :p
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