Pirate Queen
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  • Haha, yep! :D Aww, I need one of those! :p
    Reeeeallly? Are you suuuuure?
    Hey, the truth hurts... :rolleyes: (totally j/k!! :p) Hahaha, I know... I'll proudly admit it! :p Ah, yes, aren't honest friends just wonderful? :p Sa-weet!! That's so exciting, I bet it'll be a blast! :D Take lots of pictures!
    Flawed, eh? How fitting! :)P) Hm, what if I add the Puss-in-Boots eyes?
    Ohh, that's AWESOME! And it's only April! :D Hahahaha! As if it wasn't obvious to them already... (j/k :p) Besides, I'm one to talk... I'm pretty sure all my friends think I'm a complete nerd... :p 2 weeks?? Oh, man... good luck! :D
    Hmm? Threat? Noooo.... *best innocent grin*
    Haha! :p

    Hahaha! Yup, a book a day sounds about right to me! :p Oh, that's going to be awful! :eek: On road trips, reading and listening to music is just about all I do-- and I'm a fast reader, so I go through books wayyy too quickly! You'd better! :)p)
    Haha, I know... :rolleyes: I think I liked Adam best while he was on the show. :p Yeah, I think his mentoring really helped (some of) the contestants step it up! :-D

    Haha! Yes, it truly is terrible! (And how you managed to survive on a Narnia forum this long is honestly beyond me! :p)
    What?? There's a 10-book limit?! That's terrible! How do you survive? :eek::p When you get the chance, he's definitely worth reading! I suggest you read Mere Christianity, or the Space trilogy (adult fiction series) first-- just me. :)
    You're wrong, I am right. :p Never!

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I laughed out loud when I read that....Yeah, definitely not drunk. :p Yeah I drank three in about two hours...:p I probably was, bahahahaha! :p
    Yeah, I agree-- Adam really was a true performer... I guess we're spoiled! :p

    Sherible! No other C.S. Lewis?! :eek: *grabs gun* (j/k! Besides... I don't want the weapon police storming my house, heheh... :p) Haha, but seriously, you really should! He's amazing! I would HIGHLY recommend anything written by him. :D
    Haha! That's kinda sad... :p Yes, everyone's said (and I have to agree, for once) that it's been a pretty terrible season for AI... :(
    Yes! We should totally have a campaign to get it into the dictionary like Frindle! (idk if you ever read that book in like, 3rd grade... :p)
    I think I'm going to make a C. S. Lewis banner! :D I've been gaining new respect for him especially recently, and he deserves a spot in my sig! Have you read much by him, other than Narnia?
    Because I'm right, silly! :p

    Well, I've drunk (drank? drunken?) three Dr. Peppers and counting...Maybe that has something to do with it...Really? I love it! Lots of energy! :p
    :p...You could always decide to beeeeeeelieve me! :p;)

    Point made...:p

    I've seriously probably never been this hyper in my life! I'm super-jittery! And my mind is moving at a thousand MPH! :p Its awesome! :p
    It's never too late! :p

    :p Haha, well fish eat worms, so technically, when you eat a fish...you eat a worm and a fish! :p

    *bouncy tune* *Let's all sigh a mournful sigh as we look at the morning sky!* *Lame and random* :p I'm so hyper...!
    What do you think of Dancing with the Stars this season? Oh, and, random association, American Idol? I haven't really seen much of either lately... :p
    Not much, either... listening to music, internet sprawling, doing worldview homework, and TDLing (yes, it should be a verb! :p). I think I'm about to make a new banner... haha, I've had mine for a while, and I'm getting tired of it. :p
    Indeed! :p

    Ha! They would laugh harder at my application. :p

    I went fishing today and I caught 9 fish (a mixture of shell-cracker and bream)...Nemo - I couldn't believe I actually caught a fish that small...:p Today I threw them all back, but other days I keep the bigger ones and I clean them and eat them for supper...Delicious! I love fresh fish! I can't believe you don't (Although, I can see how seeing your Dad clean them when you were little would be...disturbing. :p)!

    Hahaha! That was some pretty funny stuff...So long ago! :p
    Yeah, that's crazy...

    Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! I like it! Leonardo DiCookio is the prefect compromise! :p

    Ha, nice! You should apply to Harvard just to see if you'd be accepted. :p I did not catch a thing on that trip, sadly. Haha! Will do. :p
    13,000??? :eek::eek::eek: How does anyone send that many?!

    Bahahaha! Us guys gotta stick together! :p

    Sheesh! What'd you wake up at 5:45 on a Saturday for? Hahaha! I almost caught one really small, but it got away before I could reel it in...I'm going back in a few hours--maybe I'll catch one then...:p
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