Pirate Queen
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  • Absolutely! Heath Ledger was and still is one of my favorite actors. I was deeply grieved when I learned of his death. :(
    SCHOOL IS OUT!!!!!! For me, at least...Are you out? I've been on vacation at the beach for the last week which is why I haven't been on...

    That sounds like a blast! I want to go to the Grand Canyon so bad...Hoover Dam! I want to got there, too! No fair, you went everywhere I want to go! :p Ha, yeah, I know people that have been to Las Vegas and loved it, but I don't think I would enjoy it much. Me too! I hate crowds! The only time I tolerate crowds is when I go to concerts. :p

    I wouldn't know...Thankfully, I've never worn a dress. :p Although I had a friend once who got dared to wear one--and he did. One of the funniest sights I've ever seen. :p

    Pretty great! I think its about to storm at my house...which ruins my planned fishing trip. *rolleyes* And, I got a knew phone today...I broke my old one by dropping it in the lake while trying to catch a fish...:p We'll see how long it takes me to break/lose this one. :p
    Somehow I missed your reply...:confused: So that's why I'm only just now replying. :eek::p

    Wow, that sounds awesome! You'll have to tell me all about it when you get back! ;-)

    I didn't wear jeans, although that would have improved my comfort a great deal. :p I didn't take any good pictures or I would post one. :p
    Woooooooooow, sorry I haven't replied here in sooooooooooooooooooo long!!! I hate school! -_- Anyway, I went to prom...it was ok, nothing special. :p So, what's new with you?
    Hahaha! Precisely! It always seems that way... :p

    You did?? That's awesome! Haha, for some reason, that makes me really happy, no clue why. :p Are you going to/did you sell it?
    uLose! Ha! :p

    Nope, I've taken it back--it's gone from history! :p

    I don't want, too...Idk, maybe...Haha! Will do! :p

    Ha! That's why I don't waste my time on all those newfangled tv shows like you young, whipper-snappers! :p

    Hilarious?? It was terrible! (But I will grudgingly admit it was just slightly funny... :p) Ugh, that sounds really annoying! I hate it when people are unjust, or just don't see the whole situation (especially people in authority)... *sigh*

    Sorry, gotta go! My dad's making me get off to do homework... :( Awesome talking to you, "see" you later! :p
    Au Contraire! :p

    Can too! You can't stop me! :p

    LOL! That's crazy!

    Sounds awesome! :p Very proudly, I have not seen a single episode of Idol this season!
    Haha! Ohhh, that sounds sooo awesome!!

    Haha, I've had a bad experience with an alarm... So, my mom had forced me to be a part of this talent show and play piano (and then a friend wanted me to play guitar with him). Before it started, my friend and I left the main room to tune the guitar. We were looking for a room to tune, and we started looking for an unlocked door. I tried the handle of a door and the burglar alarm went off in the entire building! (And there was a sign on the door...) It was sooo embarassing!! These guys came running and we had to call someone to turn off the alarm, and when I came back, like, 15 people walked up to me and asked if I was the one who'd set off the alarm! Ahhh! I wanted to die.
    Never! You lose, I win--the end! :p

    Hahahahaha...I still think its funny. :p Fine, I take it back! :p

    Sooooooooo...My school has its prom this Friday. I really don't wanna go, but all my friends want me to (why, I don't know...:rolleyes:). I loathe getting dressed up. Grrr...

    So, what's new with you?
    Haha! Apparently so!

    Ahh, such an in-depth analysis! A ballerina! :p Hahahaha! Yeah, I know... modern art is... interesting... :p Haha, I took an art history class this year, so I may appreciate the reasons behind it now... but there's still no technical skill to appreciate! :p
    (I double-posted! :eek::p)

    Hahaha! I see it (but only now that you mention it)! That's freaky! Haha, I have no idea how you got that, though... :p

    Hey, lookie at this one! (Random, I know... the things you do when you have nothing else to do... i.e. look up pics of rocks :p)
    Yup, sounds good to me! :p

    Ah, so the last pic WAS accurate! :p Haha! That's pretty sweet. :D

    Haha, I just realized we're talking about ROCKS(/pebbles/boulders :p). I've had stranger convos, but still... ROCKS. :p
    Hahaha!! So which would be a better alternative, then? A bunch of lying friends, or no friends at all? :)p)

    :eek:! Shhh! You're hurting the pebble's feelings! Since when are pebbles not rocks?? Haha! Yeah, I never really got into that whole cool rock collecting... :p

    EDIT: Fine, happy?! Or perhaps this isn't a rock either... too big, must be a boulder! :p
    Hahahaha!! Oh my goodness, I totally laughed out loud! You "sounded" desperate enough to kidnap one of your friends and mail it to me! Nope, I have plenty of those, I was talking about a Puss in Boots poster! :p Haha, I'm still giggling...

    A rock, huh? Riiiiiight... Somehow, I'm unconvinced... :rolleyes:
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