Pirate Queen
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  • Thats probably true...Hahahaha! Ponytails are fine for girls and sometimes for guys, but not for me. :p

    It is! I would see it again just for that! :D Yeah, it was...

    Pretty good...Besides the fact that Freckles (my puppy) died. He got hit by a car. :( Wow, how long did you go without internet? I wouldn't be able to stand that for very long! :p
    Yeah, a good assumption. :p

    Wow, I wish my hair grew super-slowly like that...:p My hair covers my eyes if I don't cut it once every month or so. My brother actually has a ponytail...But I don't think I'll ever be doing that. :p

    It was surprisingly good for being the sequel to a sequel. :p Spanish Buzz was hilarious! :p THEY DIDN'T SHOW THE TRAILER AT MY THEATERS!!! I was like, "Seriously?! This was half the reason I came!" Oh, well...
    Perhaps it would get the death penalty off the table? :p

    Thats a good one! Wow, that's really long...How long has it taken you to get it that long?

    I'm going to see Toy Story 3 with my Youth group tonight! I'm only excited to see the VDT trailer in theaters...:p
    Haha, oh that would totally suck! And it would be just the sort of freak thing to happen. Try convincing a jury of that story!

    Ha! You got it! :)
    Yes it is! :p

    No, thats way cool that you're interested in planes! :) I like helicopters better because you have so much more control (hovering, up, down, forward, & backward) You should definitely ride in one if you get the chance!

    Aww, that would suck. :p You could make it look like it was a total accident. Then everyone's happy! :p
    Hahaha! Well, I don't necessarily WANT to, but it's better than being super-bored, and plus it kind of fits into the plan. :p Haha, well, I don't really like school, but I like learning. (Wow, that's so much more precise than the rambling message I just sent Kevin... things always seem to come out better the second time.)

    Yup! It was. Hahaha! Yeah, I know that feeling at the end of (or the middle of) a vacation. Sa-weet! Ahh, the weather is the best part. :D Snow in the middle of spring! That's the way it should be! :p It always snowed on Halloween, and Easter when we lived there.
    Thanks! I wish! My sister knows it, though. And she is gonna help me learn it. :) lol! :p Ok, I'll post them...sometime. :p

    Piloting a helicopter may be my 5th choice now that you mention it. I've ridden in one multiple times and it was a blast!

    Cool choices! #2 is...interesting? :p That's gonna be one brave dude--or if he's too scared to do it, you could just 'accidentally' shove him off. :p
    DUDE! You have to see it!

    1. Hold a wild alligator (not a big one obviously--4 feet max)
    2. Go skydiving
    3. Visit 25 countries (I'll post a list of the countries on another day if you like, I don't feel like it right now. :p)
    4. Read the New Testament in Greek.
    5. I'll have to think more about this one...

    What about you?
    I unfortunately was kidnapped by a necessary evil commonly known as school! :(:p Seriously, it has been the most insane month ever - there were people living in our house, finals, extra classes, and I'm planning on doing more school over the summer (and get my driver's permit, and hopefully tutor math). I honestly love school, and I'm good at it, but it takes so much time, and there's never enough for the other fun stuff! :p Siiigh.
    Ahh, that sounds amazing! I would love to see the Grand Canyon, from what I've seen, it's incredible! And Colorado is without a doubt, my favorite state I've ever lived in. Did you see(/hike) the Rocky Mountains? :D
    Never! J/k! :p

    Yeah, same here...I don't really know why everyone loves those movies so much. :p I have not seen it, but I had heard before that it was good...maybe I'll try to see it this weekend. ;) I heard the Karate Kid was awesome, too...

    Interesting...I guess we'l see whether or not its any good. *shrug*
    Ha! My friends often make fun of me for being heartless because I never cry at sad moments in movies like that...:p

    lol, same here! Are you gonna go see Toy Story 3?
    Hahaha! Yeah, sometimes I find that moment supremely sad--and other times I can't stop laughing! :p

    Haha, yeah, I loved those movies...Aren't they coming out with a new one?
    No kidding! Thats an awesome job! Hahahahahahaha! It sounds like you're turning into Tom Hanks in Castaway! :p "WILSON! I'M SORRY WILSON!" That won't make any sense if you haven't seen the movie. :p

    Nope, but its hilarious! :p Ha, yeah, I also think that we can't try to judge too much just from a 2 minute clip out of a 2 hour movie...
    Ah, I see. ;) Restoring piano keys? That sounds awesome! :D Ha! I think I would enjoy a job where I was left on my own to do my job. It might get tiring after a while, though...:p

    LOL! Debbie Downer? That made me laugh out loud! :p Anyway, I see what you mean, I haven't really taken time to analyze the entire trailer, yet, though. Mainly what I was most excited about was the little details--the painting scene where they enter Narnia seems really well done, along with the ship and the Duffers and Lucy reading the Magician's Book ...I need to watch it again. :p
    :p Yeah, its pretty enjoyable, too. :) lol! Me too! I hate slow internet. Hehe, what're you doing for work? Other than this trip to Arkansas, mine has been the same. So, have you seen the VDT TRAILER!!?!?!?!?!?!? Is it not unbelievable?!?! I'm so excited! :D
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