Pirate Queen
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  • That's weird...I don't remember deleting it. And, even worse, I don't remember what I said. I guess you'll never know. :p Haha.

    How was your first day of college?!?!?!?!? Awesome? Depressingly terrible? Or somewhere in-between? :p Haha, glad you liked it! :D

    I'm sure I meant to post something else...hmmm, what was it? ...Oh, yeah:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D Hope it's an awesome day for you today!
    Sherible! I'm so annoyed! I'm certain that I replied to your VM about the "viscous" fiasco...I guess I didn't click post message. :rolleyes::p

    I haven't done much besides school (same old, same old...:p)...*random* Have you ever seen Monty Python & The Holy Grail? That movie makes me laugh every time I watch it! :D Click to watch one of my favorite scenes!

    How are things with you?
    Woohoo! They're just piling on the excitement, aren't they? (Get it? Piling on? hahahahaha.... okay, please excuse me, I have a weird sense of humor at 3:30 in the morning.)

    Haha! Wow, that really puts it into perspective! :p (And the moral of our story is, use your chances well... :rolleyes:) Haha! That's funny, cause I really am quite shy! Ahh, yesss... exactly! Dude, we're like, ninjas - we can disappear in the middle of a group of people! (Well, not the middle exactly, more like the strategic vantage point where you can see everything happening, such as the corner.) Oh, and I'm seeing some quite creepy similarities to Gollum/Smeagol (invisiblity, power, knowledge... :D). Wait, I got it. Knowledge is power... and money is power... so knowledge is money... so therefore, you can go to as many concerts as you want! Hmm... there's probably something wrong with that logic somewhere in there... :rolleyes:
    Hahaha! Shouldn't they? It'd be awesome if only the people who want to specialize in the subject had to take the course! :-D

    Hahahaha! There we go, the perfect solution (financial aspect aside...)! :p Hahaha! Really? I honestly would have never guessed! You don't seem very shy at all, but this is the internet, so it's just a tad bit hard to tell. :p Haha, I can relate. It was much more extreme last year, but I still usually come across as really quiet (most of what I think never leaves my mind, so I'm almost always a listener). Mostly because I've found my mindset doesn't seem to quite "match up" with the people I'm with. Plus, the more people there are, the harder it is to explain what I mean. Ah, it's a mess... but it'll get better. :p
    That's awesome! Must have been devastating when he first heard their prediction though... Hooray that the doctors were wrong this time! :D Haha! How disappointing! (Even more so for the girls that came solely for his hair though, heheheh... :rolleyes:) Yeah, guess it depends on the guy... I had a friend with long hair, and it just 'fit' him (he'd had it that length since he was in middle school, so I couldn't imagine him without it)... until he cut it! It was so strange!
    So I made that banner you asked for...There are two versions, b/c I didn't know which one you would prefer...If you don't like something about them, lemme know and I can fix it! ;)

    Banner #1
    Banner #2
    Haha, that sounds like the coolest pet ever! Wow! That must've been a big rock...Yeah, I think this was just a crummy day for the world. We should get a re-do. :p Ha! Have fun with that! :p

    Sweet! I like it when I have a lot of free reign over the graphics I make...Is there any particular text you'd like?
    Haha, nice! Raccoons are the coolest, although I've heard they can actually be pretty viscous. They don't look like the viscous type. :p Ohhhhh, that sucks. How big is the crack? My day was disappointing. I found out that I won't be getting a CD that I pre-ordered for another 2-5 days even though the album released today! :mad: Plus I'm super tired, but I just can't fall asleep...:rolleyes:

    Nope. J/k! Haha, sure! What would you like?
    Ooh, my bad... school is a banned topic during the summer, reasons self-explanatory. :p I can completely relate! Haha yeah the extent of my foreign language system is: memorize stuff the minimum, forget it right after the test and repeat. :p

    Hahaha! Yeah, you really gotta be desperate if you're putting ads in the paper... Clearly not in the position to complain, haha.

    Haha! Yeah, come to think of it, both of those definitely help... :rolleyes: So, you'll just have to go to another of his concerts and try again! :D I can only imagine my (probably failed :p) attempt to communicate when I meet one of my favorite bands... I'm already pretty introverted already, I'll probably get wayy too nervous to say anything close to what I really think... >.< I watched the video you sent me last night... on top of being a fantastic performer (I loved the guitar battle near the end, its really well done!), his guitarwork is fabulous! That concert must have been amazing! (and, I admit, he does have nice hair... lol)
    Thanks! Yeah, in away, but I'm starting to think it's overboard... Yeah, I totally understand that too! I'm a slacker for a lot of the school year. Hey, if it doesn't require too much work, why work too much? Yeah, it is a cool language! But I still hate learning it! It doesn't help it that I'm terrible at all that memorization, haha! Yeah, it's sad! :p

    Oh my goodness, WHAT?! Whoa, that's so messed up! :eek: Ick, ick, ick! But of course, modern times are sooo much better... :rolleyes:

    Cool, thanks! *goes off to link* Aww, that's still pretty amazing though!! Must've been soooo much fun! Hahahahaha! That's great!! :D Ahh, how are moms so good at that? :p
    Hahahahahaha! That's hilarious! My dog has always barked...mostly at night...at shadows. If she was barking at something that was actually there I wouldn't be as bothered, but every time I go outside (at 2 in the morning!) there's nothing there. She's just barking! Eeeerg! Very annoying.

    Annnd, I have to go. :( Nice talking to you again, though! :)
    Haha! That's a good description of my dog...she's always running right in front of me...its like she wants me to trip and fall on her...:rolleyes: :p
    Well... I admit it, I'm an over-achiever with just about everything, but specifically this summer... school and music! My Mere Christianity class is the only thing that's getting done consistently because I have to. I need to read Paradise Lost for next year, and I wanted to do Algebra II (only a little over halfway through still...), and Bio, since I did Chem last year instead, and finish Italian I (I hate foreign language for some reason... so I didn't finish it last year) and some other stuff. I'm also leading youth group music, and I wanted to go to some concerts with some friends but my favorite bands appear to hate my state. Wow, that was kind of a rambling rant... lol. Anyway, the point is that most of my goals are not going to be done by the time school starts...

    That sounds like such a cool job, I must say though! Wow, that's gonna be interesting! School will be crazy enough without a job on top of it, I bet. Ooh, American History should be awesome though! LOL, "just four more years.... for more years..." Keep telling yourself that.

    No way, that's really awesome that you got to meet them! I should look up a video of Casey playing guitar, I really love seeing a good guitarist doing his thing. :p Hahaha! Hard to control, I think I'd pretty much fall apart and not be able to say what I really think... star-struck! :p Did you get to talk with him?
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