Pirate Queen
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  • Hahaha, nice! So did he give a quiz? If so, how did you do?

    Yeppers! I'm so thankful I'm almost done with school! :D

    Yeah, sorta, just like a basic idea with some characters...I'm still working on some sort of a conflict, though. :p

    Soooooooo, anything interesting happen to you lately?
    Haha, yeah, same old excuse for me...I've been busy with school. :p So, did you drop out of college, yet? :p


    Yeah, me too!


    Nope, no life for me! :p I'm just trying to make it through school. Surprisingly difficult! :p

    I'm gonna be super distracted in November, though, b/c I'm doing this thing called NaNoWriMo...You can read about it on the website, but basically, to 'win' you have to write a novel of at least 50,000 words in the month of November. I'm pretty excited/nervous/worried. =D
    Sherible! Sorry I haven't been on in forever! I'm really, truly, honestly gonna try to get on more often from now on! :D

    Yeah, it was amazing! Haha! Nice! It does that to me, too! (I suppose that's less strange since I do live in GA...:p)

    Yeah, it is nice...

    Life As We Know It trailer (I figured this would explain the movie better than I could. :p) I think Dawn Treader releases on the 10th!


    *random story* I was at an antique/book store the other day and they had some pretty cool stuff...there was a Revolutionary War era razor blade and a couple of old rifles (not sure about exactly how old they are...didn't ask. :p). It made me think of you! :D
    Well, since you ask...I went to a Matthew West (do you know who he is? He sings "The Motions") concert last night! It was part of the "Story of Your Life" Tour and it was unbelievable!!! You totally have to check his tour dates and see if he is coming anywhere near you! It was like no other live show I've ever seen! :D Josh Wilson & Jonny Diaz opened the concert and they were really really good, too!

    200 questions for English? I like English and I wouldn't wanna answer that many questions! :p Haha, yeah, my mom is even crazier, she liked Geometry, Algebra (I & II), and pretty much every other math she ever took! She's insane! :p

    How was You Again? I heard it was pretty good...Nice! I still haven't seen the trailer in theaters. I did see a trailer for a movie called Life As We Know It that looks pretty awesome! Can you believe there's only 60-somethin' days till Dawn Treader releases!? =D

    Hahaha, you typed fine. :p
    Hahaha! Okay, that made me laugh so hard! :p

    Ahh, don't you just love weekends? All the stress half disappears for 2 entire days (half, because you still have homework hanging over your head)! Duude... 5:30? That's painful! I'm gonna relish my homeschool-highschool years while they last! :p Are you still working through the semester alongside school? Life's fairly good, thank you! Right now, I'm super excited because I just found out that my new orchestra is going to CA for almost a week to play a concert at Disneyland! I swear, that's enough motivation to make me practice religiously. :D So, I'm curious, are you still taking piano lessons, or did you have to stop this year?

    haha, okay, I was just wondering. It's pretty nerdy, but hilarious, albeit in a twisted sort of way... :p
    Sherible! Sorry I haven't been on in so long! :/

    How's it goin'? Do anything interesting lately? I haven't. :p I am starting to enjoy Geometry & Physical Science, though. Which is a pretty big surprise...
    Sherible! I just discovered that I somehow missed your birthday... so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And congratulations... You're now 82 years older than me! *mutters* Why I hang out with people over 6.4 times my age is beyond me... :rolleyes:

    What's happening with you?

    Ought and one more thing, while I'm on your page and on the topic of numbed and such... You have 42 friends on this site! Have you ever seen/read/heard (of) A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?
    Haha, yup! :p

    Ohh man! Clearly, your professors have a conspiracy going... Kill the freshmen's social life one weekend at a time! :rolleyes::p Niiiiice... haha, I hope this week will be more erm, balanced! :p
    Mwahahahahahahaha! :p

    Haha, "Smash me with a rock"? :p History & English are the only things that matter anyway! Who needs stupid problems like x+y=z when you could read about the Civil War? :p J/K...Sort of. Ha, I'll pray things get better in Biology & Algebra! Is college any better now? Or is it worse? :eek:

    Good! I spent Saturday morning with my sister (who is usually at college...) at the book store & then we went to the movies & saw Grown Ups...Dude, best Adam Sandler movie ever! I know it got a lot of bad reviews, but we LOVED it! It had some surprisingly serious (in a good way) moments & the actors had really great chemistry (like they really were friends...) Have you seen it? Did you like it?

    Dude!!! That's awesome! Sounds like an awesome birthday gift! =)
    Pretty great! School's started now, and I'm taking some awesome classes! I love my literature teacher. There's more homework of course.... but hey, I'm never bored, even if I appear to have no life. :p

    Hahaha! This made me laugh so hard! You're hilarious! Yeah, I've been hearing erm, interesting college stories from some of my friends who just started... One has a really scatterbrained calculus professors who communicates the questions a half hour before they're due, forgets to collect assignments, etc... poor guy! Btw, I just read your message to Kevin! It sounds insane! Haha, I'll bet you've been BUSY...

    LOL! I know. :D But I ended pretty late. I think I ended June 28 or something like that. =/ When did you go back to school?
    That's good but the classes part sucks! I'm good...except for the fact that I've got to go back to school tomorrow. :p
    Sherible! It's been a long time (again :(), but I'm back (again :))!
    Sorry! I'll do that right now! :p

    Exactly! Hahaha! Hey, great(/insane) minds think alike! :p Embrace the truth! lol

    Dude, so what do you think of college so far?? Has it been awesome? Horrible? Already dropped out? (j/k!! :p)
    Wow! What a celebration!! Surprise birthdays are the best :)
    I've really kicked back this summer, reading, hanging out with friends and family, with some short trips Connecticut and to coastal California. One highlight though was getting to play for a choir that my son (a 12th grader this year) organized and directed to give free concerts at various senior homes this summer. My daughter Eden also played a piano solo and sang alto, and my husband took photos (he's the cute guy in the hat skulking around in the background). Here's the link to a montage of highlights (brief, under 3 min): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLGLzbwsxg8
    blessings, Linda [Benisse]
    Happy Birthday-- Hope it was lovely! Since you are in college did you get to celebrate?
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