Pirate Queen
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  • Ah, that's amazing! Did I tell you that my brother has (At least, I think he still has it...) a Civil War era pistol/handgun? Its awesome!!! :D I'll have to see if I can get a picture of it to show you!

    Pshaw! You're the one who started typing in text lingo! :p
    Haha, I definitely am, too! I'm gonna have to find a job that lets me work at night...lemme see...All I can think of is a night security guard...:p
    LOL! I like getting up early, too, sometimes...but other times I just want to sleep all day! :p My dad is like that...He gets up at like 5:00 a.m. every morning! :eek::p
    Wow! That's HUGE. :D Lots of stuff happens next year! Off the top of my head: I turn 15 (which means I can get my driver's permit :D), I'll be a Sophomore/Junior next year, I'll start helping to lead the music at church, I get to go skiing again... lol, random stuff, and a lot more that I can't think of, but it's a new year no matter, and I'm optimistic, haha.

    Yeah, I can't wait to see it! I've been really looking forward to it because it's set in the American Revolution period (my favorite historical time period ;)) and I absolutely looove history. :D Ooh, I don't think I've heard of The Four Feathers though. What's it about?
    Yeah? It's like the TDL version of IM, lol. :p
    I know! :eek: It's kinda weird to think about it... this year has gone by so fast, but I can't wait for next year! :D

    Yeppers! I love Heath. :D I'm going to finally get to see another movie he's in! Have you ever seen The Patriot?
    Haha! Yeah, it's really awesome... it was so pretty to watch come down! Like, nonstop for 24 hours!
    Yeah, that's what I heard... :( And I've used the flash chat thingie a few times, but I don't like it. But yes, the MPG thread is still there! Although it's pretty inactive, but not dead.
    Yep, me too... school was really taking it's toll. I know, right? Its already almost gone! :( Ooh, sounds awesome! Having a ton of family around is a blast, crazy, but fun. We're spending Christmas at my grandparents' house with my mom's side of the family this year, gonna be a lot of people! They live really close by, so we've already been over there this weekend, and we'll go again on New Years. :cool:
    I love your icon! Heath Ledger, right?
    Yeah, I've only joined this one, A-U and NW...I probably won't join anymore.

    LOL! Yeah, "floppy looking" is about the perfect description! :p I know what you mean! Whenever I see a really great film I walk out of the theater with that feeling...One of the best feelings! :p:D
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