Pirate Queen
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  • Yeah, something like this happened to me on the Arwen-Undomiel forums, too...but not as badly, b/c I didn't have as many friends and hadn't been on there as long as I have here...

    LOL! Me too! His hair was kinda strange-lookin'! :p I like how they played his song, "Southern Voice for the credits, too...:D
    I know! Its crazy! No, at least, not the VM stuff...I've pretty much already stopped posting...:(

    She is! She did! :p Me too! I also thought Tim McGraw's acting improved a lot from Flicka! :p
    You too!! I know, I think it's deceased! :( We should revive it!
    Haha, the first thing I thought of is that we just got a ton of snow, like 2 feet! It's amazing, because we never get snow, and when we do, it's pathetic little 2-inchers. :p But yeah, other than that, relishing Christmas break and getting ready for Christmas! :D How are you spending your Christmas?
    Hahahaha! Yeah! I love Christmas! :D Its alright, I've been on NarniaWeb's forum a lot lately. (its so much more active...:p) What about you?

    Ahhhh! Yes!!! I saw it Friday night! :p:D It is amazing! I love Sandra Bullock! =D
    Ya, it makes a lot of people bored. I'll start talking about superheroes and have to stop myself from rambling on and on.
    lol, ya, a lot of my friends have no idea what I'm talking about most of the time. And I pity the people who get me started on superheroes. :D
    lol, I know what you mean. The Wolverine movie that came out recently is kind of like that. Though they did a really good job of not making it too gruesome.
    lol, I'm not allowed to watch Dark Knight. Which I'm ok with. Though I've watched almost every other superhero movie so I kinda wish I could watch it. Though I like Marvel more than DC.
    lol, yeppers. I made a banner for someone a while back and got a ton of pics of him. So now I have a whole folder of Heath pics. lol
    He's pretty cool. The only thing I've seen him in is Knight's Tale but that movie is good enough to make him amazing. Plus he's pretty cute. :p
    Thanks! I've been focusing on my coloring, lately. ;) Plus, now that Christmas break is coming up, I'll be able to do more! :D

    :p Yeah, waking up early on Saturdays is lameeee! :p
    Hehe! Thanks! I feel like I'm really gettin' better at graphics...:) Thanks, me too!

    :p Sounds like a blast! :p The LWW performance sounds awesome! Hope you have fun! :D
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