Pirate Queen
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  • Yeah! Dr. P is my fav drink and we got a 24 pack yesterday...its down to 12 now...:p And nope! I don't have to go to sleep any time soon! Although I should since I have church...but I don't think I will...:p

    Haha, hyper is good! Hyper is fun! Hyper is cool! Wheeeeeeeeee! :p I'm kinda hyper too...I've been drinking Dr. Pepper all day and I think its catching up with me! :p
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! I found the newspaper (I think! :D)

    Is this it?
    I know! Have the mods just deleted it? Or is it just that no one posts there anymore? :( I don't really like that chat room thing...

    Okie dokie! And now, sadly, I have to go! :( Its been great talking (figuratively) to you again, though! :)
    Haha, yeah, there are some hilarious comments in those old threads!

    I'm gonna see it with my sister in a couple of weeks when she comes home from college! I'm super-excited! :D If you see it before then lemme know what you think of it! :D
    Haha! :p

    Haha! I get it from my Mom...she keeps everything...even useless stuff! Its ridiculous! :rolleyes::p Sadly, I couldn't find the article...I even searched some of the threads here...I spent a long time writing that article, too...:p

    :random: Have you heard of the new Jim Carrey adaptation of, "A Christmas Carol"? It looks awesome! I can't wait to see it! :d
    Haha!! I totally forgot about that! Good times! :D

    Thanks! I made a while back for a NarniaWeb sig (they have such small banner limits...), thats why its small. I like it though, so I decided to use it here instead. :p
    Ahahahaha! Yeah, and you and Levi, wasn't it? :p Those were the days! LOL! Swat team? Hey, speaking of good times gone by...I was looking at Cleo's website and saw that she wrote a song about the Golden Age of TDL.--Its pretty cool! Click!

    Totally insane! :p
    lol! My oldest sister always told me that and I did the same thing! :p

    I know! And Nicki, Levi, and Cleo! Me too! :eek: Thats crazy! College...:eek::p

    Hahahahahaha! :p Rambling is awesome! :p Yup, it was a stream. ;-) summer of '08...Man! That was so long ago...!
    Haha, yeah! Its insane! I feel like just a couple of weeks ago it was September! I hope my entire life doesn't go by this quickly...:p

    I know! I miss talking to you guys on the 'SWON?' so badly! :(:p I should go back and read some of those old threads--they were hilarious! I hope all those people come back over the Summer--and that I'm able to get on more over the Summer! :p
    Haha, we had zero...:p But we don't live in a very residential area. :p Not much. Ugh! I hate school! That's all I do! Go to school, come home and do homework, go to church, rinse and repeat! :p How about you?
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