Pirate Queen
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  • Hey Sheri! How've you been? I get my license (sp? I always confuse the 'c' and 's' in that word...) in a little over a month! :eek: :D Hope all's well with you! :)
    Haha, yes, he is! And NO! :eek: ALL of them?? Haha, that would be insane! Not to mention creepy... LOL. :p

    That's great! :D You must be excited. Are you taking any college courses this year? Do you have any plans on what you might do next year?

    The class I'm having trouble with is Worldview... The subject isn't super-hard for me, it's just all the overwhelming, time-consuming homework. Ugh. The problem is that it requires a lot of writing, and writing is NOT one of my strengths (which is strange, because I love to read). Also, this is the first high-pressure class that I've had in like, two years, since I'm homeschooled. It's been really stressful... It takes away my time from other subjects too... just recently, I did no math for two weeks in a row, just so I could get WV done. Haha, sorry I'm rambling on and on... LOL.
    Yeah, yeah, go ahead and laugh! :p I haven't bought any yet, but I'm planning on buying some the next time I get some money or my Mom lets me buy some with her money. :p
    Good! Lemme know what you think. :D

    Hahahahahahaha!!! I actually kinda like it, too (cue the '*gasp*' here :p). Lea Michele (the actress who plays Rachel) has an AMAZING voice! And I love the songs they release on iTunes each week! :D

    It comes on the USA network...so its not as major a show as it should be (I think. :p) Here's a summary from one of the writers of the show...

    During his childhood, Shawn Spencer developed a remarkable talent for noticing the tiniest of details under the guidance of his policeman father. However, upon growing up he found it difficult to get a job, and spends most of his time using his skill to give the police anonymous tips. However, the tips are so good that some cops become suspicious that he is involved with the crimes himself. To clear his name Shawn finally settles on a career: he pretends to be a psychic. No one really believes him, but he continues to be so helpful to the police that they keep calling him in on cases they can't solve. Shawn soon brings his childhood friend Gus into his scheme, and between their bantering they manage to solve every case they're presented with.
    Haha! I've thought I'd like to play the guitar lately...And I know someone who would/could teach me...I'll think on it. :p Yep, it is awesome! :p:D

    *random* Have you seen Psych? Its probably my new favorite tv show! Haha, I'm obsessed! Its hilarious!
    Haha, same here--school sucks. :p Was the lesson fun? :D I should learn to play an instrument...Not much! School takes up too much of my time :)()...But, I have the rest of the week off (fall break) so I'm feelin pretty happy today! :D
    You think I'm a riot? *blush* (referring to your conversation with Beth [krazy]) :p Hows it goin'? Long time, no see (figuratively, of course)! :p
    Oh, yes... I spent hours frantically searching the forums for any trace of a post that mentioned your favorite DA song... :rolleyes: Haha, I'll stick with the excellent memory. :cool: (Actually, I'm pretty sure you said it was your fav song by David in the What Are You Listening To thread a while ago... :p)

    You should write him a message! :eek: Which reminds me... your VM convos with Kevin are absolutely hilarious! (Haha, that sounds so stalkerish, I know!)
    And I've been pretty awesome too! VERY busy with school though... ugh, there's this one class... How's school been for you? You're a senior, right?
    Yay!! I'm so glad you like it!! :D You're welcome! Haha, I think you posted once that you liked Touch My Hand the best (such a beautiful song!). :D
    So what's happening? I haven't talked to you in... *scrolls down*... :eek: Like, a month!
    Okay, here it is! I think it's about finished... Let me know if you want anything changed. ;) Oh, and something else... in this case, it's very easy to change the colors completely. I just used green because that's how I made it originally, but I expirimented a little and it looks great in just about any other color, too- orange, blue, white... even purple, lol. So if you would prefer a different color, I could change that too. :p

    So without further ado: http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv92/krazylotrgirl/TouchMyHand-wallpaper13.jpg
    Yep! :D
    I have a question, would you like to have any words on it? If you don't want any text on it at all, that's perfectly fine, but if you wanted his name, and/or lyrics to one of his songs, idk, let me know what you would prefer. ;)
    All righty, I'll get cracking! :p Hee hee, this is going to be fun... I was looking for pics and I was struck (again) by how cute he is! :p
    LOL! I should've known it'd be David Archuleta! :p Okay, wallpaper comin' right up! And yes, please, some pictures would be awesome. :D I can also look for some on my own, too.
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