Pirate Queen
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  • Hey Sherible, how are you doing? I saw some of your posts and it sounds like there's something wrong :( Hope everything's okay. I'm praying for you!
    Oh my - that is so sad! I'm sorry. :( There will be other opportunities for Mission trips. I haven't been on one yet, but I can't wait. A college I'm looking at has mission trips as a requirement. And they go to really cool places like Scotland, Greece, Kenya... But that college is too far away, I think. Oh I dunno. Anyway.. It's so good to talk to you. :)
    Sorry to hear of the illness of your church member. How shocking!
    We take so much for granted...
    Praying for peace and mercy
    Life has been busy but full...
    Currently i'm planning a dinner party to raise backpacks and school supplies for needy kids through Love, INC (in the name of Christ), doing a write up of my daughter's academic progress through June 2009, and gearing up to work on her school curricula and goals for 2009-2010. Plus two groups have asked my daughter and I to reprise our conference presentation from last week.
    Ah.. I prefer Kris, myself. I don't really care for Adam's voice. To each their own :). Agh. Ooh I see that you went on a mission trip??? Where to?
    Hi Sheri
    How was the missions trip with Salvation Army?
    Hope your summer is going well...
    Holy cow!! That sounds really cool! I've never been to a concert of any kind. (well excluding stuff for school) Were you happy with who won?
    I've visited Mississippi a couple of times, and Chattanooga. Thaaat's about it. lol. Pretty boring, really! Yet tooo busy for my liking. what have you been doing? (Sorry it takes like 2 weeks to respond)
    I KNOW! :( I'm doing pretty well... summer's going by fast and I desperately miss last summer. It was so good... I was hoping this summer would be the same but of course it's not. sigh. what's up with you? how has your summer been?
    Yeah, when it comes to fireworks my state has crazy rules...:p
    Not much really (shocking, I know. :rolleyes::p)...I might get to go on a mission trip to Israel with my sister and a bunch of other people next year! I'm really excited about that...I just have to get the money. :p What about you?
    Wow, you need to go! The beach is awesome! :D lol, yeah, I don't like large groups of people at all! :p
    Sounds lovely. :p Yeah I hate burns...
    We're not supposed to shoot them, but we do anyway...:p We just go to our neighboring state and buy the fireworks then bring them back and shoot them here. :p
    Yeah, its crazy...two years seems like such a long time and yet its passed by so quickly!...Haha! Have fun! Yeah, I'm going in the first week of August (beach!!! :D)...I don't like goin' in the middle of the summer cuz its wayyy crowded and I despise crowds. :p Oh, and Happy July 4th!!! :D
    I know!!! Its so sad! I hardly ever even post anymore! I don't know how members like Lieke and Dernhelm have stayed here so long...:eek: The only time I really post is on people's profiles...:( But, my summer has been pretty awesome! :D I haven't really done much...just being lazy and such...:p
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