Pirate Queen
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  • You should! They're really funny! :p
    Haha! Really? You should see my bookshelf...it has almost every genre known to man. :p
    I'm eating some kind of chicken casserole...:p It actually looks pretty good...LOL! My sister is a health freak! :p She hasn't had a carbonated drink in like, 7 years. :p
    Do you have the 'Flair' application? I LOVE it! :p Its probably my favorite thing about FB. :p
    Haha, yeah, I can read pretty much any genre but Fantasy is probably my favorite so my mom always questions me about the magic in the books I read. :rolleyes::p
    Welcome! :)
    LOL! I'm gonna eat some...Ice cream (j/k)! A balanced lunch, wouldn't you say? :p
    I know! I was like, 'huh?' when I tried to log-in and it told me my account was deleted! :rolleyes: Yeah, its pretty cool...especially since I don't get to see a lot of my friends much over the summer. Its a good way to stay in touch with them. ;)
    Yeah, she thinks its bad...something about the magic...I don't really see the problem, but...:p I might not even like the books...I just really need to find something to read. :p
    Aww, I'll pray for his dad and him and his family...;-) Speaking of lunch...I should probably find some, too...:p
    Not much...I created a new facebook page (my old one was, apparently, deleted! :eek: Facebook didn't even tell me why! :rolleyes:), which was kinda fun...And I'm thinking about trying to convince my mom to let me read Harry potter (THAT should be interesting...she HATES HP :p) Sooooo, what have you been up to?
    Yes, I know what you mean about prefering to have a few close friends rather than a bunch of acquaintances. I've always been that way, I think.
    Wow, I've never been to Philadelphia, but it's always seemed like an interesting place to go. I actually just got back from a vacation with my family to Chicago, so that was fun. It's a big city though. Don't think I'd like to live there, but it was fun to visit.
    That sounds like a fun job, and if it pays well too that's even better! I have a job working at the farm I horseback ride at. I basically do a lot of manual labor, like helping pull down broken limbs and burning them, fixing fences. It's a lot of work, but it pays well and I enjoy it.
    I'm also getting ready to go on a mission trip with my church youth group next week - and I'm going to be the adult leader/youth chaperone from my church! I'm a bit nervous, because of that (I was just a youth myself last summer!) but I think it will be a lot of fun, so I'm very excited :D
    Haha! Yeah, mutt sounds so cruel! Awww. :(

    I gotta go now...my mom is making me go to sleep (its only 12:00 a.m. and I don't even have to work tomorrow!)...its been fun talking to you! I should be on again tomorrow...Bye! :)
    Nope, sadly, they're both outside dogs...but if it was up to me they'd be inside dogs...My mom doesn't like them in the house...(I let them in anyway when shes not home...:p)
    ROFL! I've always thought it would be cool to have one of those breeds that can't bark...
    Yep! Him and his mother! Hes getting pretty big...maybe I'll take a pic tomorrow and post it...;) Speaking of the dogs they're barking incessantly at something as we speak! :p
    Yeah, same here. :p
    Some people are just stubborn...:p (j/k)

    Lol! Yeah, its awesome as long as they aren't terrorizing my dogs (pulling tails, ears, etc. :p) or fighting with each other over a soccer ball...:p Wow, I couldn't imagine not having any little kids in our family! :eek:
    I think she left sometime in the first week of June...
    lol! Gotta face your fears! :p

    My sister and her FIVE children (the oldest is 7...the youngest are twins at 2...or was it 3...? :p) are all at my house today! It has been so loud at our house all day...:p
    LOL! Nice...:p

    Yeah, I wanna go on one, too (especially if I get to make a stop in London :p). No she's supposed to be back on...*checks calendar :p* June 23. I can't wait to see her and hear what she though about London! :D
    Yeah, it was! And there was almost no shade in that yard either! :rolleyes: :p My face and arms are bright red from sunburn, too! :p

    Yeah, I've been way busy, too...Awww, thats no fun! :/

    Btw, did I tell you my sister went to Africa (Kenya and Uganda, I think) on a mission trip...and that on the way she got to spend a day in LONDON!!!?!?!!!!! I was like, 'NOT FAIR! I wanna go!' :p
    It was sooooo tiring! I thought I might pass out towards the end of the day...I went home and slept for, like, 13 hours...:p:D Yeah, and then when I woke up I was like, 'owwww my whole body aches'! :rolleyes::p

    Wow! Thats awesome! It doesn't seem that long...Sooo, how've you been? Done anything interesting lately? I REALLY need to make time to get on here more...:-(
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