Pirate Queen
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  • It was really great! Not really what I expected, but kind of better in some ways. I met so many people and made so many more friends than I'd ever had in high school. I was really shy in high school and only had a few close friends, and since they weren't going to the same school as me, I decided I had to branch out - a very good decision :D Glad to hear you're doing good! I'm excited for summer too! Do you have any fun plans? Vacations or summer jobs or camps or anything?
    Sheri! We haven't talked in so long! I'm doing great, just finished up my first year of college :eek: How have you been?
    lol! Yeah, its nice when its all laid down...I've been working from about 7:15 a.m. till 4:00 p.m....Yeah, I'm definitely getting paid! :p I'm not so nice as to break my back all summer for no pay. :p

    Yeah, hate that. ;)
    Sick? :( Feel better soon! :D Tomorrow I have to lay sod...do you know what that is? Its basically grass in strips...Here's a picture: Here, and another. The guy I'm working for was like, 'this is gonna be the most sore you're ever gonna be.' I was like, noooooooo! :p I'm quite sore enough, thanks. :p

    That's no fun...I have no advice on how to find it, so...you're on your own! :p
    (Just noticed I hadn't replied to your last VM...:p)

    I am sooooooooooooo tired!!!!! I wanna just lay down and sleep for the next week! :p I've been working for a landscaper (he goes to my church... and I wanted a summer job...I'm almost sorry I asked now. :p And tomorrow is gonna be the hardest day yet! :eek::p. You should see my face, its bright red from sunburn. :p

    Soooo, what have you been doing? =D
    Yeah, I know. School got crazy there for the last month or so. o_O

    I am now an official high school graduate!! :eek: boy, does that still sound weird or what. It is sounding more normal, though... :p

    I can't believe I am going to college this fall. :eek: It is exciting and terrifying. :rolleyes:
    Whoa. Whoa there! Marriage?! That sounds so crazy to me right now! Is it really serious?! Haha. MK's doing good, she has a new obsession with Star Trek :rolleyes: I told myself I was gonna get on TDL more, but I haven't logged on for a few days already. Sigh. Bad Cera! :p
    Moved on? ...Moved on?! :eek: Noooooooo! It can't happen! :rolleyes::p

    So, how've you been? My school ended for the summer today...I'll still have to work for a couple of weeks but it won't as bad as during the regular school year...I hope. :p And I went to my Uncle and Aunt's house yesterday and caught a bunch of fish in their pond...that was fun. =D
    Hmm. I don't feel like a high school graduate...it's just weird! I don't think it will really hit until August when I have to go to college...o_O The seniors got out before the underclassmen, so I really really miss my friends, like MK...:( Eeeeee I'm glad to be back! I wish you had facebook or somethin' so we could keep in touch when real life is too busy for duffering :p I think it's time for a revival of Most Post Toast...:p
    Whoa. I've been away longer than I thought! Well I'm officially DONE with high school and the summer has started for meh so i can be online more :p Hopefully I can just jump back into the swing of TDL things...:p
    Hi Sheri
    How did your piano playing at the wedding turn out? Were you nervous?

    As for the convention, My daughter and I led 2 workshops in the 2005 national conference, and I also presented on my own in 1999.
    list me all the others besides the ones that are not actually his and crush, a little too not over you, desperate, touch my hand. K?

    no, but desperate is pretty depressing too. his voice is one that I can't turn off. If his song comes on on the mp3 player when I'm about to turn it off, I wait. {willingly, inevitably}
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