Pirate Queen
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  • Its' okay, I guess. I really do not like chemistry though.
    Yay for you! Yeah, I know this guy who didn't have that many classes Senior year either. As for me, I'd probably have just as many as any other year. haha.
    So, what are you taking then?
    Yes, it's been a while! I missed ya'll so much. I'm doing pretty good. I just started school, so I've been pretty busy. Have you started up school yet?
    You FORGOT TDL?! :eek: lol I'm shocked! I'm glad you had such a good summer though. :) What did you end up doing? I'm not really up to much, working as a telemarketer but it's not as bad as it sounds. Mainly because my boss and co-workers are amazing people that I get along with so well. :)
    I have! I'm learnin' stuff, so that's always good :rolleyes: :) but.... waaaay too much homework, if you ask me! I should be doing homework now....eek... have you started? How do YOU like it?
    Hey Sherible! I can't believe I missed your birthday! But happy late birthday anyway! Hope you had an AWESOME day! :D
    Happy Birthday,Sheri!:D
    Hope you have the best day ever and get to eat lots of cake!:p
    The beach was awesome! I had a blast! :D I'm going to Philadelphia with my school, so I'm super excited about seeing the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, etc. :) Lucky! I wish this was my last year...:rolleyes::(:p

    Oh, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on on the 31st, so Happy Birthday!!! :)
    Sherible! Haha, I went to the beach and then I sorta forgot all about TDL once I got back! :eek::( I've started school, It sucks, but I get to go to Philadelphia sometime later this year, I think! :D I'm really excited...anyway, hows it going? Its been a looooong time since I've talked to you! :eek:
    Aww, I'm so sorry! That's awful! :( It's so sad that it turned out like that... I'll keep praying for you! How did you guys meet each other? Will you be staying in contact anyway?
    My summer's been pretty great! :D We didn't end up going on anywhere though... but it was fun and really busy so I haven't been on TDL much. School's starting really soon though (as soon as we order our books) so my non-homeschooled friends and I have been trying to cram in as many sleepovers as possible. LOL. :D How 'bout yours?
    Italy? o_O THAT'S AMAZING!!! I've always wanted to go there. Well I hope that works out for you! And you have to tell me aaaalll about it! Where the heck is Kevin lately?
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