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  • Hi there, I haven't really seen you on much unless you changed your name. Anyway, I saw some interesting internet speech in the introduction thread. I just wanted to remind you that you have to type in English where the mods can understand what you're typing. Thanks.

    Also, can you change your picture on here. The hand gesture you're making is not offensive in the USA, but it's the equivalent of flipping someone off in the UK. We are an international site and a family friendly one. Thanks for your understanding. I'm sorry to sound so negative. I'm glad you've come to the forum! Blessings to you!
    Since you seem unfamiliar with Janalee's story, I urge you to find the prayer-section thread which bears her name. It reports multiple instances of God sending divine comfort.
    There's a story behind my quiz method.

    My second wife, Janalee (who was called to Aslan's Country earlier this year), suffered memory impairment from a head injury she had suffered in a car crash before she and I got together. I used to make up silly quizzes where the right answer was obvious, to help Jan recover knowledge in all sorts of subjects. Amanda (Bruiser) has been a very comforting friend to me since losing Jan, so I transferred the same technique into improving her Bible knowledge.
    I'm delighted that you like the Bible quizzes! I originally started the thread for the benefit of two other forum members who were also lacking in fellowship: my "granddaughter" Bruiser and my "niece" GentleVoice. But the more, the merrier.
    Haha! At least I hope not! Even if it does feel like forever sometimes. :p
    Are you doing school right now?
    I'm super good! Recently got back from a ripper holiday. :D I'm a bit sad about having to go back to school so soon, though. I'm in 'holiday zone' and I don't feel the least bit like studing right now, as cool as school is. . . :rolleyes:
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