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  • well I go to a private Christian school, so thats kinda in the middle between public high school and homeschooling, since its really small. like 400 kids, instead of the 2000 kids at a public high school. I actually like the smaller community... too many people would be... overwhelming...
    homeschooled? thats cool. I've never been homeschooled ever so I have no idea what it would be like. there are quite a few homeschooled kids in my youth group, and they seem to like it...
    I'm really patient with them. Parents are always telling me. My kids love you like crazy! THey say you make them laugh.
    Thats the same with me, but with kids. I love babysitting but sometimes I want the kids to just go to sleep and leave me alone. I get tired quickly but oh its sooo worth it! I LOVE LOVE LOVE kids. I'm babysiting in an hour or so. Yay!
    ugh I know... like seriously, this whole year has gone by REALLY fast, and then now, it's just going by really slow... but hey... I'm enjoying it, I mean, I don't hate school or anything...lol I just like late nights/sleeping in on a regular basis, ya know? lol
    I'm doing alright... hanging in there, those last...few...weeks...of...school... lol they seem to go by a lot slower than the rest of the year...
    RACHE! Bless you, it's been so long! I have continued to write both sonnets and Bible quizzes.
    In my Dad's declining health, BOTH of my stubbornly unbelieving parents are being mercifully given another chance to think about eternity. So far, they show no sign of appreciating God's mercy...though Mom HAS remarked on the paradox that I, their son, have had to bury TWO wives, while THEY are still together in this life. Mary and Janalee, of course, were far better prepared than my parents are to face Jesus.
    Rache, long time no see! In the interval since I last saw you post, I've spent a month in Illinois helping my Mom take care of my ailing Dad. He has just gotten over some serious pneumonia.
    Are you current on the fact that Vanessa and I plan to act out the wedding of Emmett and Queenie next weekend? The rehearsal dinner may be posted as early as Thursday evening.
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