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  • Thank you as always for your kindly wishes. I'll be able to say more about rehearsals when I get back the strength to STAY AT one of them all the way through.
    My cold's only a little bit better; but guess what? I think I'm finally starting to lose weight!
    I'm doing great :) My weekend has gone rather well... yesterday I got to see my neices and today we have a church dinner to go to. How's your weekend?

    Yeah my summer is already jampacked too. combination of youth group and library volunteering. And I am so excited school is almost done with. :)
    Hi shortangel
    this time of year is full of end of the school year activities for my kids, concerts, recitals and more. This past week I got to see Lion King the musical with my daughter and mom and it was quite a spectacle! Now I am planning a birthday party for my daughter at Shakespeare by the Sea to see Twelfth Night... Should be fun but cold out by the ocean at night.
    I was able to do a favor for a fellow performer. I sometimes find interesting items at yard sales; and last Saturday, I had in my van a nice pottery jar of a sort that could have existed 500 years ago. One woman singer said she could use it for collecting tips from the visitors when she sang, so I gave it to her.
    I'm glad you're making progress. I keep telling people about the festival, trying to get more to come!
    LOL... yeah I'm currently waiting for IE to load so I can download some textures for gimp and I was browsing here...lol
    Hi, I'm doing good :) Oh... sorry you've had to work overtime, that's no fun... I hope things get easier for you soon. :) What kind of work do you do?
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