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  • Children's weekend was fun. I did things like this:

    A family is approaching the entrance. I meet them with a serious look on my face, and say, "Excuse me, we are testing the intelligence of children coming in today." Then I put out my open hand, which is holding four stones, and ask a child, "How many stones am I holding?" The child answers, "Four," and I say, "You pass! Enjoy the festival!"
    If you mean fireworks RIGHT AT the festival location, no, they don't do that, it isn't safe with all the trees around. But there are places having fireworks. And today was a payday for us performers.
    Yes, the coming weekend is Children's Weekend. I plan to have school-age children "help" me to make sure that signs at the festival are spelled correctly.
    I'm doing very well. Week's going good. youth group starts up again tomorrow and Friday begin my Bible Studies.

    How about you?
    I prayed for you again as soon as I saw your latest message.

    This weekend gone by was actually the THIRD weekend of the festival. It went pretty well; I had several opportunities to talk about the Lord Jesus with visitors who were willing to listen.
    My summer has been going great so far :) I hope to go camping at the coast sometime though before its over. Mostly so far I've just been staying home.

    What kind of recreation have you been doing? Have a great day :)
    I had fun on the second weekend acting out a sort of storyline. One of our girl musicians pretends that her father is missing; so I went up to customers, told them about the "lost father," and asked them to let me know if they heard any news of him. Some of these customers actually came back to me later in the day to ask if the girl's father had been found. We plan to say he "was found" near the end of the season.
    I'm not feeling too well but I'm hanging in there... this week we dont have youth group cause we're having a church meeting.. (blucky)... no I currently am not leading. During Summer the interns (college kids) lead
    hi Shortangel :) I'm doing pretty good. I haven't been on here in quite a while though. How are you doing?
    I'm good... summer is great: been very busy... youth group is going good..finally started playing the games.

    How are you?
    Thank you. I don't mind so much being exhausted on Monday; it means that I gave it my best shot on the weekend.
    Yes, I do need to get a move on for the second festival weekend. I was SO exhausted after the first one, that I could barely stand up; therefore, I accomplished almost nothing on Monday.
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