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  • Hi shortangel
    We are doing well although I miss my son and husband who have been vacationing on the East Coast this past week. I think my son and daughter and husband are also looking forward to church camp in the mountains next month. I will be staying home with my mom while they are gone though.
    Our last weekend will be distinguished by a comical parody of an election campaign. Our imaginary town has a mayor, played by one of our actors. On the final weekend, a STICK HORSE will be running against him for the mayor's office.
    My shoulder's getting better. Timbalionguy was at the festival, and he actually sang with me.
    Last week turned out to be Romance Weekend. This one coming up is Music and Dance Weekend. Right now, Timbalionguy is at my house.
    hello susan2, how are you doing? i'm good :) yes preety busy but i do get alot of recreation besides just working, how's your week been? me i just did some crafts before work soon my parents will be opening the store, have a great week :)
    Hi! nice to meet you:) what is a Hollywood dreams event? what kind of crafts do you like?
    Im back on TDL..sorry been gone so long; alot of things have been happening over at my end of the world. how is everything with you? Ive been praying for you and all of your family's needs.
    hello shortangel xD oohh what drawing software do you have, i just stick to plain old biro and paper.. or photoshop :D aha thankyou, you have a good week to, i'm sure i will ! :)
    Aha hello shortangel xD .. im extremely good at this point in time :) but its non uniform day which i absoloutely HATE. my attic is very tidy atm, and now my stepdad's putting down some flooring up there.. but my mum said it cant be my room which made me extremel unhappy :/ but im GOOD now xD yeah i go on it almost every day in school (nothing better to do), so im pretty snappy to reply, but i dont mind long replies ^^)
    That really is an outrage that institutions cheat old people.

    For a more cheerful subject, next weekend at the festival is Music And Dance Weekend. I must try to arrange for my guests to see me dancing, preferably with some lady.
    Sunday was a very good day. One cool thing that happened was meeting some customers who remembered me from last year. These people were teenage girls and boys whose families were from Russia; and at this new meeting, one of the girls walked up to me and began speaking to me in Russian. She reminded me of how it was that she knew me, and we had a good talk.
    im very good, but quite tired xD yeah i'll be sure to PM you when i have a bit more time on the comp .. when my English teachers beady eyes arent on me xD its been good thankyou :) spent all yesterday cleaning out my attic, but my mum decided to sit on a giant beanbag that split open and got the little polestyrene beans EVERYWHERE. it was not easy to clean up xD
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