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  • Happy Birthday Shortangel! Here's another short angel: a rain-catching Angel for your garden!!

    I prayed for your father as soon as I saw your message. And thank you for posting on the festival thread.
    aha thanks, ive been like reading all the harry potter books so been a bit preoccupied :) hpe you have agreat week too xD
    haha its been quite awhile since we have talked then ;)
    today i am moving back in and actually start on tuesday. i am a junior for the fall semester than im gonna be a senior. :)
    thank you. I hope that you do as well :D
    I'm on Facebook. Look for me by my real name, which is:

    Joseph R. Ravitts

    As for the insomnia, I have a special breathing device which is supposed to help, but it's a huge hassle to use.
    I've got my first day today it starts in half an hour!!! I'm soooo tired i shouldnt be up this early! (9am here) School starts late to welcome all the new students
    well compulsory school is something you have to do you have no choice its from the ages 4-16 but i think it might be changing...
    Hello, im fantastic, thankyou, how're you? Yeah im from England, southwest xD there isnt much interesting her though, except maybe the ever-changing weather, thats all people seem to talk about xD hope you have a nice week too, is hould be on TDL more next week, as i go back to school :D
    Sometimes two people can give a puppy a good workout by standing some distance apart, and getting the puppy to run back and forth between one person and the other.
    Does Caspian already sleep close to where you sleep? If not, maybe BEING closer to you would make him feel safer at night, and he would be quieter.
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